Well that was fun.ere callum yud av bin fu## without the big greem machine today.wahey.and all the lads.well done for giving it a right go.green laning my arse.more like total offroading
quality use of green lanes :doh:
was in woodland followed the map..once in through a tricky uphill section with massive camber,we were comitted,couldnt turn round,just had to carry on forward,wasnt what we were expecting,to be honest it wasnt so much geen laning more like parkwood,the locals must go their and use it for offroading
quality use of green lanes :doh:
and is that having a dig,,,like to have seen what you would have done,supose you would have just left ya motor their and walkd home then,it was already churnd up before we got their,and that was half way through,when we came across the bad parts,
great vids and pics..

great day, totally shattered...

never ever wanna go there again!

Yeah I agree the picks are cool! But we should go there agen it was a good challenge and more of us should have tried to get down probs send rich before you nick to pull you thrue, although the lane could do to be left to repare for a year or so

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