good mate, hope your lass is well. gonna get me a go on that red lambi of yours at some point, very nice. might let you have a tickle on mine if you fancy, if i ever get it back on the road.
shes had a few bad weeks,but tad better this week,so thats good,,yeh ya on .ya can have a go of scooter,you mite prefer the chop up to the red an though,way faster,,
looks like next trip is sorted... anyone kno where them lanes might be?:)

ooo... post 666... the number of the beast.....
just had a quick look on trailwise... lots and lots of lanes up in lakes...:D

dunno bout findin them northern monkey runs though...
Dont forget the a bar callum,cheers pal.,ya never know when we will be playing in pitch black again.

Won't mate dont worry, you fancy meeting for the drive to mc d's? My dash set fire today! Well two wires fried themselves together and alot of smoke was made haha!
if ya both wanna come up to mine ya can do... an we can buzz over...

nothin serious i hope callum...
what you drivin joe?

my disco wont do 120mph.....

google maps sez 1hr and six mins from york.... 43 miles on a roads...

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