friday, workin m8... need to sort the mud flap support as it shields the fuel filler pipe.. anythin flyin up off the tyre is gonna hit the pipe and that might not be good,, if i can sort this week i will but gotta get parts first..

monday, gotta go check on parents over in hx.. make sure they aint fell off any ladders, buffets, chairs or owt else the silly old buggers can find to stand on..
you can be my understudy... its time ya learned to stand on yr own two feet now nunny...

yr old enough now to open a few gates on yr own... i'm sure someone will give ya a hand if ya get into difficulties...

if ya need any practice, nip to the bottom of yr drive and see if any of ya neighbours have gates.. if ya ask em nicely i'm sure they will let ya practice b4 the weekend!!!!!

ha ha ha...

how much are mud flap repair panels!!! good god!!!! lookin at near on £70.....

they're only a flat plate wiv two bends in em.. an a few holes...
make em ,or see if callum al make you some cheap nick,,theirs one flaw in the gate opening,you have to be at the front nick,,and you have seen state of my map reading
ahhhh well im not going if nick aint opening gates
i carnt be be arsed
ill be in pub all day
wat u think nunny " day in pub "
are u doing gates nick
ill be at mcdonalds at 10 30
where is it where going exactly ill look on map
dalby forest ?????
u taking your dog jo disco
ill take mine if so
hi guys cant come this saturday...

workin on disco this weekend see you all next time have a good time lads
il do the gates, il step up to the challange me mates driving this weekend. theres a few lanes in dalby forest we could do first, then go to wykeham forest there just next to each other we can decide when we meet where you all want to go first ive got all lanes marked down there looks to be a few to do. dont think il be takin me terrier gaz last time i took a dog green laning it was a nightmare haha:D

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