yup, thats the one, cheers, I'll stick it in me watched list, yup, thought it was a bad connection on the ignition switch, seems to be the solenoid sticking, its only very intermittent atm, and a crack with a hammer sorts it, need to fix it properly tho...
picked my cheep focus seats up gave me some fiesta seats free . then came down with a bump.... water pumps FUBAR just orderd a new one:(
OK questions for you all. How do you do a failed hill climb :confused::confused:

Was talking to Neil about going to Tong for a play (on the easy stuff :D) and it says you have to have performed a failed hill climb

What does that actually mean and am I likely to have done it out laning. I have failed to get up the rock steps on Cam and had to have another go and other similar stuff, is that what it means. If not where do I find a hill climb to fail :)


Quote from site

The monthly 4x4 driving days are only suitable for people with some off road experience, you will need to be familiar with your vehicles controls E.G Low Box, Diff Lock, Traction control etc and have to driven off road before. This is to ensure your safety. You will need to have experience of performing a failed hill climb! you will be asked to sign upon entry to confirm that you have off road driving experience!
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Assuming you've stalled the standard way is to sit with foot brake on, engine off. Select reverse, then in one movement take feet off brakes whilst starting engine still in gear so reverse is working immediately, feet off all pedals so no revs, reverse under control down the hill .. Similar to going down steep hills using engine braking only ..

If the engine is still running then sit there with clutch and brake depressed, select reverse and release pedals, again, no revs, tickover down the hill.

Nice and controlled descent .. ;)
Assuming you've stalled the standard way is to sit with foot brake on, engine off. Select reverse, then in one movement take feet off brakes whilst starting engine still in gear so reverse is working immediately, feet off all pedals so no revs, reverse under control down the hill .. Similar to going down steep hills using engine braking only ..

If the engine is still running then sit there with clutch and brake depressed, select reverse and release pedals, again, no revs, tickover down the hill.

Nice and controlled descent .. ;)

Thank you, I haven't done that, the Defender is practically impossible to stall in low box. The only time it has stopped is when it wasn't properly in low box and then it did a hill start without any problem.

So can I just practice that technique on any hill or does it have to be off road
Can practice it anywhere really, off or on road doesn't make much difference, other than off road usually has steeper and shorter hills .. ;)

Main thing they look for is that you do it fluidly and under control.

To be honest, they probably won't check at Tong .. they'll ask you and if you answer reasonably well you'll be OK. It's a great place. If you go with someone or a group, ask someone to sit with you a while, especially if you have things you can't do or aren't sure of, so they can help you through.

One thing you could brush up on, from my observations and not taking the ****, is changing from low to high and back again, without having to stop or take time over it .. make it a natural movement 'cos in effect when you're laning it really is useful! ;)
Can practice it anywhere really, off or on road doesn't make much difference, other than off road usually has steeper and shorter hills .. ;)

Main thing they look for is that you do it fluidly and under control.

To be honest, they probably won't check at Tong .. they'll ask you and if you answer reasonably well you'll be OK. It's a great place. If you go with someone or a group, ask someone to sit with you a while, especially if you have things you can't do or aren't sure of, so they can help you through.

One thing you could brush up on, from my observations and not taking the ****, is changing from low to high and back again, without having to stop or take time over it .. make it a natural movement 'cos in effect when you're laning it really is useful! ;)

Thanks :D

Neil did say he will come with me.

Have the high low box thing sorted now. It wasn't my fault, the dammed thing was so stiff I couldn't move it easily. It has been fixed now and its getting more use :D:D
Thanks :D

Neil did say he will come with me.

Have the high low box thing sorted now. It wasn't my fault, the dammed thing was so stiff I couldn't move it easily. It has been fixed now and its getting more use :D:D

Heheheh, nice one .. ;)

When you thinking of going? I haven't been there for ages ...
Don't know yet, I was just looking on the website for dates. Next one is 2nd week in August I think

Think we're still away on holiday then .. we go next friday to Lakes, then down to Hawes the following weekend, then across to Whitby on the Wednesday I think!

Don't think Juliet would take kindly to me having a weekend at Tong straight after a fortnights laning .. :)
Think we're still away on holiday then .. we go next friday to Lakes, then down to Hawes the following weekend, then across to Whitby on the Wednesday I think!

Don't think Juliet would take kindly to me having a weekend at Tong straight after a fortnights laning .. :)

I have a lot of other stuff to do this month too, might look at September
I have a lot of other stuff to do this month too, might look at September

I know the end of August / early september we're in North Yorks moors, a couple of real gnarly lanes and mud runs, (with a different forum) but the rest of september is good for us so far .. :)

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