Big Stu 12

Well-Known Member
This has come from SRLOC forumn

"I thought I would post this for general information for club members.

Yesterday I had a chat with a club member who is personal friends with a Norfolk County Council employee.

Apparently his role is to remove signs from the roadside but he has been told by NCC to turn a blind eye to signs being placed at the end of greenlanes stating "NO 4X4s" as well as having the NCC logo on them.

Apparently these are NOT official NCC signs but being placed on the lanes by an anti greenlaning group so if you are driving lanes that you are sure have legal vehicular rights and you see these signs don't be fooled! NCC is fully aware that they have applied the NCC logo to the signs and I suppose you could say they are unofficially backing them by allowing the signs to be left in place.

I am going to contact NCC but am going to try to get my hands on one first so if anyone sees such a sign could you please let me know.


Just for peoples info, it just shows what the anti's will do, so check the TRO list , maybe even take an uptodate copy with you.
If I ever see one, It won't be there when I leave and if I ever see someone putting one up, I may insert it into their mouth.
khaos, what might be better and certainly more productive is to take a picture of them doing it.
It is actually illegal to do it, so in the long run, it might just cost themand NCC for complicity!

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