Sorry folks - area unknown, so only open to regular Hampshire laners - Redwings, Rustierangie, Kris etc

fookinell sluts mk2 in hampshire is it :rolleyes:

No - of course not. It is just that as it is an area that is not known to us, it would be silly to take along a noobie. Anyone can travel the lanes - but I dont know where they are - I aint leading.

ooooohhhhh you bit there daft :D:D:D:D:D

i was just pointing out i aint that bad :eek:.

no yer nice and harmless :D:D:D
Aw bless, I wish I could've gotten away with saying things like Daft just has without getting villified for being 'eliteist' :p:D:p:D
Aw bless, I wish I could've gotten away with saying things like Daft just has without getting villified for being 'eliteist' :p:D:p:D

yer not elitest yer just a murderous trucker who bites very quickly :D:D:D:D
come on boomer cheer up only a bit of **** takin
Had to hire in a JCB cos the freezer IS getting rather full you know:D

I rekon yer just using that as an excuse. I bet it's actually cos you wuz getting withdrawl symptoms from not having driven a tratter for a while. :rolleyes::D
I rekon yer just using that as an excuse. I bet it's actually cos you wuz getting withdrawl symptoms from not having driven a tratter for a while. :rolleyes::D
If I wana drive a tratter I'll buy a series, no hang on I'm stupid but not that stupid. Catch you later I'm off out now for CHIPPIES!! :p:p:p:D
So I can hear every one making fun for my driving.... :rolly:

I am thinking of getting a CB...
But I don't wont to fit a full unit. So will a hand-held do?
And what spec should I be looking for?
go for a peramanent fit - not a hand held - batteries dont last too long and its a bugger trying to talk and drive and being thrown about at the same time.

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