have space for one motor - yup only 1 for a ramble on the 25th May. This place is only open to the regulars, I am afraid. PM me if yu are interested. It will be wet.

Sorry folks - area unknown, so only open to regular Hampshire laners - Redwings, Rustierangie, Kris etc
No - of course not. It is just that as it is an area that is not known to us, it would be silly to take along a noobie. Anyone can travel the lanes - but I dont know where they are - I aint leading.
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may dunt tie in.Mrs BoB sees her dad at silchester in june or august.Will bring landy when i do and bash a day somewhere while Mrs BoB has tea on the lawn......
only spaces left are for passengers, I am afraid.

However - have space for one motor - yup only 1 for a ramble on the 25th May. This place is only open to the regulars, I am afraid. PM me if yu are interested. It will be wet.

Ah, that's a shame, not about on the 25th May. Cheers though, I'll catch you guys next time! Haven't been out for ages...been toying with taking the big wheels off for summer so needed an excuse not to! haha

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