
Hi chaps I have a strange problem, but that's enough about me, during the course of the day when when coming to start the disco it's been a bit off a bugger, turning the key I get all that you would expect until the final position and I get nothing this goes on a number of times then all of a sudden it starts any ideas
I have just struggled and finally taken off the starter on my TD5 as it had exactly this problem. The contacts in the solenoid wear due to arcing until it gets to the point where they only make proper contact irregularly.
I took lots of pics to help me remember the order in which things go.
Getting the fu cking thing off the vehicle is the hardest part, but I have pics of the tools you need assembled in the correct order thanks to another member on here.
I was considering doing a thread on it but don't know if anyone would be interested.
Let me know and I'll help as much as I can.
I have just struggled and finally taken off the starter on my TD5 as it had exactly this problem. The contacts in the solenoid wear due to arcing until it gets to the point where they only make proper contact irregularly.
I took lots of pics to help me remember the order in which things go.
Getting the fu cking thing off the vehicle is the hardest part, but I have pics of the tools you need assembled in the correct order thanks to another member on here.
I was considering doing a thread on it but don't know if anyone would be interested.
Let me know and I'll help as much as I can.

Did you put the top starter bolt back in, its a right bitch lol
Hi chaps I have a strange problem, but that's enough about me, during the course of the day when when coming to start the disco it's been a bit off a bugger, turning the key I get all that you would expect until the final position and I get nothing this goes on a number of times then all of a sudden it starts any ideas
Hi, can you hear a click when you turn ignition to crank and no start? Anyway first of all check the small lucar connector on the starter solenoid cos it used to not make good contact
Did you put the top starter bolt back in, its a right bitch lol
Yes, once I was told how to get it off, putting it back on wasn't so hard.
As it's a nut not a bolt it made sense so get the other two bolts in, which were not terribly easy but once on, I managed by using both hands, well the finger tips of, to get it started and wound up, then I just went back to the tools used to take it off and reversed it, quickest nut to get back on, the two bolts were a pig and I had to go backwards top go forwards!
I found more than one thing that could have caused the main problem, one of which you may be able to do before taking the starter off.
Apart from the lucar connector, the main positive connector, I discovered can become loose although the nut holding the fat wire conector may be tight.
So, before taking the starter off try this.
Disconnect the batt.
Disconnect both wires.
THEN tighten the nut holding the copper bolt to the starter solenoid.
Refit everything.
If you found it loose when you tightened it, you MAY now be able to start the car easier.
If this still doesn't work any better then I will be doing a thread on this in the very near future.It'll take me a while cos i never know how big the pics should be and I'll have to crop and reduce them.
So, in the meanwhile, if someone could tell me the best compromise size for pics to get them to be not too big but decently sharp, I'd be grateful before I start the thread.
Hopefully I'll start it tonight but the sun is shining for once so I must get on with prepping the Disco for its MOT.:)
Stanleysteamer, A "How To" with pics would be useful to a lot of folks I think.
I'll do one then, and put up a link to it on this thread.So far it has been the thing I have sworn at the most on this vehicle. but it is at lot easier once you know how! :)
i have just got a solenoid contact replacement kit so hopefully over the weekend I can sort it out this weekend
Great! The thread is all finished now (link further up) and others have put a little bit more info on as well, so good luck.
Do let us know how you get on!:):):)
Think it's safe to say a little worn and signs of arching, job done now, but what a pain that top nut, only a landrover eh!


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