Mr Noisy

Coming in your ears.

So half way through last weekend's off roading, my Superwinch started making a near ear splitting loud racket when spooling out. It is fine when pulling in but very noisy when running cable out.

I have heard noisy winches before (electric), so I guess it just happens, but does it mean its shagged/gonna break soon?

I had to run it in some mud at the weekend, and I guess running semi submerged in gloop has partially killed it.

It's only 6 months old, is this a warranty thing or does it happen to all winches eventually?

Btw, it sounds like the typical winch "bag of spanners" noise, just I reckon it's louder than usual.

Sounds painful almost :(

Any ideas...?

This is do-able?!

I thought it a magical no-mans land inside that planetary gearbox...?!

Cheers :)
personally i would take it tio get it serviced at a specialist...... or if when reading your manual/warrenty card you deside your warrenty is void then strip it down and clean it, cant be that hard......... not much to them no harder than stripping a starter or alternator

btw its g-man on lil miss' computer ;)
stripped and cleaned me warn xd9000i winch and then put a new motor and bearings on it..a tad fiddly but nothin that patience cant cope with
Cheers guys.

Yeah I'll give them a call next week to check, but I dot expect the warranty will cover an off road winch when it's been used off road :D

Ita not the motor that's making the racket, it's the gearbox. Should be able to have a look in there.

Trouble is with these cheap winches, if it needs spares you're fooked.

Will see anyway :D

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