New Member

My Girlfriends dad has got a 4.0 petrol, 2000 reg plate (i think might be 2001) range rover.
He's having problems with it, when he's driving at around 60/70mph theres a really annoying noise, it sounds like it's just air blowing through the blowers. The fans aren't on. He did say that there use to be a wire with foam on it, infront of where it sucks the air in, for the fans. but don't know if this would be the problem.
Any ideas?

Think he's had a look at that.
When you say check, do you mean check it's not clogged up?
I had a similar problem on my 97' 2.5 at around 70mph - especially when a lorry past the other way. It was the windscreen seal at the bottom of the screen vibrating at speed. Try putting tape over the lower edge temporarily to test for improvement. If it works use some sealer under it to fill gap.

Ok thanks for the response,
I've passed the message on, and will let you know the outcome when he's had a look at it.


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