the rig

Active Member
I have changed the ign. coil and still no spark. the rig turns over but nothing. anny suggestions would be great.
first off do you have a live feed to the coil when the ignition is on?
take the king lead off the dizzy and rest it on the metal engine casing. Does it spark when you crank the engine. If it does then your coil is fine.
If the coil is ok remove the dizzy cap and hold the lead to the top of the rotor arm using a pair of insulated pliers. Does it spark? if it does then your rotor arm is knackered and going to earth.
the. ciol is brand new, just replaced it . I might mention that this rig was in a flash flood last week. however, everything now works but the spark.
the. ciol is brand new, just replaced it . I might mention that this rig was in a flash flood last week. however, everything now works but the spark.

Have you ever bought something new, only to get it home and find it don't work? Never assume that just cos it's new that it works. To find the fault you need to start at the beginning and work down the list of components.

Have you actually carried out the tests I have suggested? If you haven't then do them. You will then learn which parts of the ignition system you can iliminate from fault.
ok now it wount even turn over with the key, however it will when you cross the starter with a screw driver. any suggestions????
ok have checked and rechecked the coil, its good (works on my old mustang. talked to british pacific in Califonia who says its the ign. relay, so I un pluged the relay cleaned the terminals, put back in, and its still cranking fine. BP also says the spark or lack therof could be the rotor arm. any Ideas if this could be so??
unplug the king lead off the top of the dizzy. remove the dizzy cap and hold the king lead to the top of the rotor arm with a pair of insulated pliers. If it sparks the rotor arm is knackered and going to earth.
ok dun the test with the king lead, it sparks (lightly) on the rotor arm , but the ocausional cranking is back, have checked the relays agian and still no good.
thanks for the help RATTY I eill let you know how things go. should tyhe coil spark be stronger though??
yes. If the rotor arm is sparking it means the power that should be going to your spark plugs is actually going to earth. (In other words shorting out). While you are at it have a look inside the dizzy cap. If the plastic near the contacts looks rough (kind of bubbly) in comparison to the rest of the plastic, or the contacts look blackened then sling a new dizzy cap on while you are at it.

You say you also have a problem with it turning over? Again go for the basics first. First off test the battery with a volt meter to make sure it isn't flat. Do the lights on the dash dim when you try and crank it over or do they stay the same brightness?
na they dim, just called about a rotor and cap (thinking ahead) $68.00-rotor $39.00-cap. going to put battery out of my mustang in it to see if that helps.
na they dim, just called about a rotor and cap (thinking ahead) $68.00-rotor $39.00-cap. going to put battery out of my mustang in it to see if that helps.

If they are dimming it does sounds like your battery is flat. Like you say. try another battery or put some jump leads on it. If you choose the jumplead option leave them connected for 5 mins with the engine running on the other car before you attempt to turn it over.

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