alan 1054

New Member
Not sure if anyone can help but my radio on my l322 2004 was working and then l only had sound now and then but l do not have any sound now as the orange light is on but no sound.
Not sure if anyone can help but my radio on my l322 2004 was working and then l only had sound now and then but l do not have any sound now as the orange light is on but no sound.
Look for dampness behind the left side trim in the boot. If there is damp, you will need to check the connectors for corrosion.
I had this on mine; the water first go into the satnav and the when full overflowed nicely. The entertainment control module did a very good job of catching the excess. This duly went pop and stopped any sound and video to the front of the car.
I took all units out, dried everything anx replacdd the satnav and entertainment modules, proved it all worked again and have now taken it all back out until i can find and fix the leak.
Have fun!

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