Have I at any point made your life a misery? Have I been offensive to you? Or are you just jumping on the kindergarten bandwagon?
Just to clear things up, all those who bitch about me were happy to sit and enjoy, even encourage when others were getting the good news. What turned them bitter and bitchy, to the point of stalking me around the site, for years*, just to bitch behind a keyboeard, was when they got put in their place.

*despite knowing they are on block and only comments, like yours, show that they are still following me around like little puppies, peeing themselves with excitement every time they can write a childish or bitchy post.

You're certainly pretty terse in the way you reply to people, I'd noticed it in a few threads. Perhaps that's unintentional, and you're a lovely person in real life, but it's how you come across on here. It's not something I'd ever have pointed out or criticised because it's very difficult to tell what someone's intention is online.

That said, no one has matched up the username with the nickname vinegar tits, so I hadn't put 2 and 2 together until now, and yet you are someone I'd noticed seems to be very inpatient and brusque with others on here.

As for the "making people's lives a misery", comment, it was clearly in jest - the RMP has an associated trait the same as every corps and regiment. They tend to be a bit hyperbolic. If someone had said you were RAF Regt, I'd have asked if you like standing by gates, etc.I'm sure you've engaged in that kind of banter at some point.
You're certainly pretty terse in the way you reply to people, I'd noticed it in a few threads. Perhaps that's unintentional, and you're a lovely person in real life, but it's how you come across on here. It's not something I'd ever have pointed out or criticised because it's very difficult to tell what someone's intention is online.

That said, no one has matched up the username with the nickname vinegar tits, so I hadn't put 2 and 2 together until now, and yet you are someone I'd noticed seems to be very inpatient and brusque with others on here.

As for the "making people's lives a misery", comment, it was clearly in jest - the RMP has an associated trait the same as every corps and regiment. They tend to be a bit hyperbolic. If someone had said you were RAF Regt, I'd have asked if you like standing by gates, etc.I'm sure you've engaged in that kind of banter at some point.

I don't have time for fools or bad manners. In 2032 you will probably feel the same about people who can't be assed to use the search button, or kick off because they don't get treated according to their own sense of entitlement .
Unlike some I am no different here than I am in real life, and I will say what I say here to your face. A spade is a spade, lazy is lazy, bitching is bitching, and bad manners get pointed out. On the flip side, a please or a thank you and I will do all I can to help.

The making people's life a misery was not banter. If you and I were taking part in a conversation, taking the mickey, messing about , it could be taken that way. Instead you made a derogatory comment about me,not RMP in general, me personally, to a group of people whose comments without doubt had been bitchy and derogatory.. Perhaps you were looking to be part of the 'gang'. Whatever the reason you joined that type of conversation, the very fact you did says quite a lot.
Good luck with your future endeavours.

I don't have time for fools or bad manners. In 2032 you will probably feel the same about people who can't be assed to use the search button, or kick off because they don't get treated according to their own sense of entitlement .
Unlike some I am no different here than I am in real life, and I will say what I say here to your face. A spade is a spade, lazy is lazy, bitching is bitching, and bad manners get pointed out. On the flip side, a please or a thank you and I will do all I can to help.

The making people's life a misery was not banter. If you and I were taking part in a conversation, taking the mickey, messing about , it could be taken that way. Instead you made a derogatory comment about me,not RMP in general, me personally, to a group of people whose comments without doubt had been bitchy and derogatory.. Perhaps you were looking to be part of the 'gang'. Whatever the reason you joined that type of conversation, the very fact you did says quite a lot.
Good luck with your future endeavours.

From personal experience I found you to be two faced, you don't like bad manners? but it was ok to gloat that ,after I replied to your PM ,which took me half an hour to type after my first stroke you pointed out that fact and let me know you couldn't be bothered to read it just because I didn't agree with you.i think you are self opinionated ,intolerance and an all round nasty piece of work that hides behind private messages so the open forum doesn't see your true colours.Facts that I would gladly tell you face to face if I ever had the misfortune to meet you. Obviously I am not the only member that sees you for what you are, perhaps we should start a thread " who's been blocked by or has blocked VT's
I think "ignore/blocking" is a childish thing to do anyway.:).
I have always said you don't have to like a person all the time to agree with them on some things. Just cos you don't agree/like them (how do you actually like somebody on tinternet you have never met, but you get my drift) don't mean to say that they wouldn't help you or you them.
When peeps are blocked maybe the blockee will miss many valid points/fixes;) I have seen it in a few freds where somebody is late to the party and has not seen many previous posts. So whos losing out:D.

I have nobody blocked, but I know I am on the blocked list :rolleyes: Does it bother me?

I think "ignore/blocking" is a childish thing to do anyway.:).
I have always said you don't have to like a person all the time to agree with them on some things. Just cos you don't agree/like them (how do you actually like somebody on tinternet you have never met, but you get my drift) don't mean to say that they wouldn't help you or you them.
When peeps are blocked maybe the blockee will miss many valid points/fixes;) I have seen it in a few freds where somebody is late to the party and has not seen many previous posts. So whos losing out:D.

I have nobody blocked, but I know I am on the blocked list :rolleyes: Does it bother me?

I followed @myfirstl322 's advice and unblocked her, worth it to see her play good cop,bad cop by herself.:D:D
I don't have time for fools or bad manners. In 2032 you will probably feel the same about people who can't be assed to use the search button, or kick off because they don't get treated according to their own sense of entitlement .
Unlike some I am no different here than I am in real life, and I will say what I say here to your face. A spade is a spade, lazy is lazy, bitching is bitching, and bad manners get pointed out. On the flip side, a please or a thank you and I will do all I can to help.

The making people's life a misery was not banter. If you and I were taking part in a conversation, taking the mickey, messing about , it could be taken that way. Instead you made a derogatory comment about me,not RMP in general, me personally, to a group of people whose comments without doubt had been bitchy and derogatory.. Perhaps you were looking to be part of the 'gang'. Whatever the reason you joined that type of conversation, the very fact you did says quite a lot.
Good luck with your future endeavours.

If anything I'm getting more chilled out about things the older I get. It's random people on the internet, I don't get worked up about it. It's better for you if you don't take everything so personally and seriously.

If you genuinely get irritated by people not searching, or not saying thank you when they aren't sure if people are being sarcastic or genuine with an offer of help, I don't really understand why you don't just skip the threads where you feel that's the case.

The "making people's lives a misery" was part of a sentence with "in a previous life", suggesting I meant it in relation to the period you were in the RMP. I had no way of knowing what you do now or how you talk to people on here. You can take it as a personal attack if you like, but it wasn't meant that way.

I bear you no genuine ill will, but I can see how you could rub people the wrong way. You seem OK with that, so more power to you.
[QUOTE="gold rover, post: 5264055, member: 54086"]I don't have time for fools or bad manners. In 2032 you will probably feel the same about people who can't be assed to use the search button, or kick off because they don't get treated according to their own sense of entitlement .
Unlike some I am no different here than I am in real life, and I will say what I say here to your face. A spade is a spade, lazy is lazy, bitching is bitching, and bad manners get pointed out. On the flip side, a please or a thank you and I will do all I can to help.

The making people's life a misery was not banter. If you and I were taking part in a conversation, taking the mickey, messing about , it could be taken that way. Instead you made a derogatory comment about me,not RMP in general, me personally, to a group of people whose comments without doubt had been bitchy and derogatory.. Perhaps you were looking to be part of the 'gang'. Whatever the reason you joined that type of conversation, the very fact you did says quite a lot.
Good luck with your future endeavours.

So says one of the rudest and bad mannered people on here who actually does not do any work on it's car, all jobs are paid for.:rolleyes:
Well, clearly I've missed something at some point.

Why all the misery and ****e? Yes, it's for Landrover and misery comes with that but it's a forum..leave the misery for behind the wheel or under the car surely?

p.s. Had to Google Vinegar Tits. Interesting idiom.
Well, clearly I've missed something at some point.

Why all the misery and ****e? Yes, it's for Landrover and misery comes with that but it's a forum..leave the misery for behind the wheel or under the car surely?

p.s. Had to Google Vinegar Tits. Interesting idiom.
See post#43, for my experience with the opinionated person full of self importance.;)
Well, clearly I've missed something at some point.

Why all the misery and ****e? Yes, it's for Landrover and misery comes with that but it's a forum..leave the misery for behind the wheel or under the car surely?

p.s. Had to Google Vinegar Tits. Interesting idiom.
I said "making people miserable" in relation to the role of the Royal Military Police. They've been known to pour cold water on the odd bout of hijinks...
I said "making people miserable" in relation to the role of the Royal Military Police. They've been known to pour cold water on the odd bout of hijinks...
When my lad was on leave he asked the local bobby who was ex RMP whether it was worth remustering to become one, the guy said it's a good job as long as you don't want any friends.:eek: he never bothered.:D
Have I at any point made your life a misery? Have I been offensive to you? Or are you just jumping on the kindergarten bandwagon?
Just to clear things up, all those who bitch about me were happy to sit and enjoy, even encourage when others were getting the good news. What turned them bitter and bitchy, to the point of stalking me around the site, for years*, just to bitch behind a keyboard, was when they got put in their place.

*despite knowing they are on block and only comments, like yours, show that they are still following me around like little puppies, peeing themselves with excitement every time they can write a childish or bitchy post.
I dont think you've put anyone in there place. You are dismissive, and think that putting people on ignore is some sort of power whilst it only really serves to take power away from you. I don't trust what you say, I think you are full of ...checks where we are...it. you give it out but cannot handle it. You also contradict your self frequently about your service in various uniforms that you frequently tell us about. Like I said, putting people on ignore means you are at a disadvantage, cept beasty, cos you can't put him on ignore and it amuses me that it irks you.

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