Andrew McIntyre

Active Member
Hi chaps.
Ok, still having problems with my poxy td4, getting well ****ed off now.
Starts fine, set off to work and driving steadily seems ok, but as soon as I get to a steep hill and have to put my foot down a bit it starts to lose power and the yellow engine light comes on. After this it stays on, and on balanced throttle, just enough to keep rolling, it surges and then holds back alternately. I struggle to better 55/60 on flat. I limp to work, and then at home time it's ok again until the same happens again. This has only started after my small engine fire as my last post (see Bugger!!!!).
Replaced the manifold, repaired the wiring, changed the map sensor, done an EGR bypass, taken out and cleaned the high pressure fuel rail sensor, but still the same. I now think I have two more choices. Number one, change the fuel rail pressure sensor, (about £120.00), or change the MAF sensor, (about £71.00 from Rover Ron). Now I'm not made of money as most of us aren't nowadays, so, has anyone got a used but functional fuel rail sensor I could borrow to try, As I don't want to shell out £120.00 if it's not at fault. Obviously I'll Pay postage both ways.
Any other ideas Anyone????
Andy. :confused:
Do you have the temperature sensor in the short turbo pipe?

I had it go faulty and gave the same symptoms you describe except no yellow warning light

I thought it was only a bad connection as 'jiggling' it worked a few times.

£20 or so for a replacement and the problem never came back.
Sounds very similar to my TD4 issues. I've replaced the fuel filter and the LP fuel pump to no avail.

Singvogel, where did you get the temp sensor from?
Sounds very similar to my TD4 issues. I've replaced the fuel filter and the LP fuel pump to no avail.

Singvogel, where did you get the temp sensor from?

I tried loads of places - motor factors etc - but in the end I just had to buy it from the local LR parts dept.
Tried a turbo hose? That sounds like a typical turbo hose split. I had exactly the same issue on mine. Same symptoms
If a turbo-hose goes you usually get a roaring noise and loads of black smoke under load.

Worth a check though.
Hi Chaps.
I'm sure the temp sensor is ok as I had issues with it earlier (see "And the black smoke?")
And all it is is a thermistor which rarely go wrong, more likely to be connectors as was my problem. Hoses are all ok, so thinking I might have to bite the bullet and buy a new sensor, cheapest first, the MAF.
Keep posting ideas though folks.
I had the same problem twice (so i thought), first time it was the Turbo control solenoid, if you pull the vacum hose off it, it should give you more power confirming the valve as faulty, the second time was six months later, i thought the valve had gone again, so pulled the hose and it cured it for the trip to the garage to get a new valve, on the way home it lost power with the hose still off, this confirmed an intermittent fuel pump at the rear wheel, new pump from Eurocar parts fixed the problem, one thing is the cheap pump from them sure is noisey when you are outside the car.
I had the same problem twice (so i thought), first time it was the Turbo control solenoid, if you pull the vacum hose off it, it should give you more power confirming the valve as faulty, the second time was six months later, i thought the valve had gone again, so pulled the hose and it cured it for the trip to the garage to get a new valve, on the way home it lost power with the hose still off, this confirmed an intermittent fuel pump at the rear wheel, new pump from Eurocar parts fixed the problem, one thing is the cheap pump from them sure is noisey when you are outside the car.

Apparently they don't last very long either.
Been in touch with Rover Ron who seems to think it's the turbo's VNT mechanism sticking, so had a go at it tonight. It seems free enough now after a few pulls and a bit of lube but time will tell on my drive to work tomorrow. I'll keep you informed.
Oh yes, I'm looking into the actuator solenoid too, so thanks for the input chaps.
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I had the same thing and it was the sensor at the end of the fuel rail, however I went on ebay and get a rover 75 diesel sensor (second hand) fitted it and the beast was back to normal!
I had the same thing and it was the sensor at the end of the fuel rail, however I went on ebay and get a rover 75 diesel sensor (second hand) fitted it and the beast was back to normal!
Just borrowed one of those to try, thanks to a helpful chap on here. I may get a chance to try it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.

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