
New Member
Bit of a mystery...... 1999 Disco 1, on a dark and stormy night, there was a chap looking to find his way home..........from the inlaws!!!!
He gets to his discovery and hops in hoping for a quick getaway.
As he turns the key from 1,2-start the engine springs into life, a roaring v8 that scares away local wildlife and makes children cry suddenly comes to a grinding halt by the sign of no light!
Bewildered by this event, that a British engineered piece of mastery has crushed his attempt of escape. He sat there silently for a while....
thinking what could the problem be?
He made several attempts to get the lights on but failed, he tried the bulbs, no, he tried the fuses, no, he giggled the stork around violently hoping that a swift connection might be made, but failed. He was left on the drive, stranded, crippled by the failure of escape. And then came those dreaded words from a distance........"whats wrong? is it broke?"
Then a thud, a bang on the bonnet and stood there was......the inlaw!!!

Anyways............ I have no lights :mad: I have sidelights, indicators, rear lights, brake lights & fogs. But no main beams. The blue mainbeam light is illuminated on the dash, however I have neither main or dipped.

So far I have checked the fuses - all fine,
Replaced the stork with a new unit - still the same
All the wires appear ok visualy and no connectors are melted or crudded up.
Oh, and the bulbs are ok too.
Im kind of stuck really, not sure what to check next. Any suggestions????

I think on 300 the lighting circuit contains relays, under the passenger side dash iirc.

Next port of call if I am correct.
Not that this post will be of much help, but this happened to me on the motorway recently, kept driving for a few miles, stopped at a services, turned it off checked a few things, turned it back on and everything was working fine for the next week or so, then the bulbs blew, new bulbs in and it hasnt happened since. This was about 4 months ago.
Fair play, just we had a dodgy OSF headlight on our 94 300 and the flickering lamp was in time with a clicking relay under the NSF dashboard

That turned out to be dodgy H4 connection as it happens.
Try pulling out the yellow dim-dip relay in the passanger footwell or isolate the dim-dip system by unpluging the resistor, that can be found on the engine bulkhead next to the washer bottle.
FINALLY!!! Let there be light

Finally traced the wiring under the steering column and there was a strange blob of plastic and a mass of wires going to it! Some t*t had previously cut the wiring for some reason and then instead of soldering it back together, had just twisted the wires together and put sellotape over it!! Sellotape!!! And it melted into a nice blob.
The madness of some people is unbelievable.

They should be :violent:

So anyway, lights work fine now - new stalk going in my man drawer in the kitchen for future "just incase" & my cruise cntrol now works too - bonus :D

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