
I have the SLS and Off-road lights on but no fault on the nanocom.

The Leveling button doesn't work and doesn't do any sound ( No "bounng")
The SLS looks to work well but I noticed that when I stop at a traffic light, the valve open 1 second and immediately after the compressor run 2 second so the back of the car goes slighty down and immediately after goes up.

I test valves and compressor on both sides with the nanocom and all is good.

Could you please help ?
Maybe I changed a setting on the nanocom, I don't remember but could be that the lights appeared after I played with the nanocom but not sure...

Thanks a lot for your help
Hi, unfortunately nanocom used to miss SLS codes even if they are logged, only hawkeye is 100% reliable with these... btw, did you play with nanocom in the BCU settings?

you should try to run a calibration on it.... rise it as to be at even level all around then store those heights
Thanks a lot for your swift answer,
I have already use the fonction in nanocom to setup new height and it worked I am sure they have been saved,
I don’t have Hawkey , may I ask you more suggestion?I don’t understand why as soon as I break to zero kilometre the valve open and immediately after the compressor starts , could be default of height sensor?
And yes I played with the BCU but I don’t remember what I changed
I don’t understand why as soon as I break to zero kilometre the valve open and immediately after the compressor starts , could be default of height sensor?
1. is the vehicle fitted with ACE?
2. this SLS activity while braking happens all the time?... if you dont know exactly try to slow down gently as the vehicle to not lean forward at all, see what happens then and report.
1. is the vehicle fitted with ACE?
2. this SLS activity while braking happens all the time?... if you dont know exactly try to slow down gently as the vehicle to not lean forward at all, see what happens then and report.
I will test that,
I see your point I think the same that there is a link with ACE sensor issue and it could be a good idea because 3 months ago I had the ACE light which appear and was remaining for 1 month and disappeared alone after 1 month. so no ACE light on the dashboard now only SLS and Offroad are on, and ACE is working well in speed hard turn the disco remain horizontal
So I perform the test, the output is not easy,
. If I stop without using the break to maintain the attitude sometime I have the valve followed by the compressor , sometime the compressor followed by the valve and the compressor again, . But I found something interesting if I forward and I stop the valve run and after the compressor . If I reverse and I stop it is first the compressor without a valve opening. And it is related to the speed because it occurred forward and reverse when I arrive under 3 or 4 Km/h, is this help for your disgnostic? Thanks again for your help best
Disconnect the battery, swap the two sensors around, give contact spray to theyr's connectors then recalibrate and see if someting changes or not... if no change the ECU becomes suspect, as you have nanocom better change it cos good sh ones are not so expensive
Hello, I will keep you in touch, i need to order new sensor.
Hello so it was not a mechanic issue, I played again with the nanocom and change the « test status » in the SLABS settings and now no light and the SLS OFFROAD button is working perfectly well

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