
Active Member
all gone whats it like where you are im off to convoy for heroes next week hope we get fuel by then:confused:
all gone whats it like where you are im off to convoy for heroes next week hope we get fuel by then:confused:
Hi , filled up last night , just a small que , worse to today with slight panic :eek: also worried for the convoy with a 300 mile round trip i shoud be ok on a full tank but will , others that come from a far :car:
I'm seriously worried about this as we are planning with about 7 Freelanders and some caravans to come over from Belgium and the Netherlands to C4H.
Besides us there are also 7 defenders coming from this side of the pool.

Wouldn't like to be stranded without fuel as I did in 2010 in France.:mad:
I'm seriously worried about this as we are planning with about 7 Freelanders and some caravans to come over from Belgium and the Netherlands to C4H.
Besides us there are also 7 defenders coming from this side of the pool.

Wouldn't like to be stranded without fuel as I did in 2010 in France.:mad:
Hi , just watched the late news , talks with the tanker union to be held on monday or later , 7 days notice of a strike must be given so fingers crossed , fuel shoud be ok till after easter , all this panic has been caused by our bungling government :mad: i hope common sense prevails and theres no strike :)
There’s no need to panic buy fool. The current sudden demand for fool has lead to some stations running dry only because average demand suddenly increased above what the supply chain usually caters for. In a few days time the majority of motorists will be driving round with full fool tanks. They won’t be able to fill up any faster than what they use up. Average miles of UK drivers won’t suddenly rise. So fool station supplies will be topped up and available as normal once the current panic is over. This will ease and issues caused by strike action.

The government suggested we should fill up with more fuel than normal in order to stay ahead of any strike action causing fool delivery delays. This is only to purge the “system” so more cars are full and fool stations refill thereafter and allow further supplies.

The percentage of drivers who usually fill up above half way has dropped significantly since the problems with the economy. Less money about. This has caused part of the rise in demand. Those who don’t usually carry much fool have filled full. They’ll still only use up the same amount.
there all nuts and now people are paying more for fuel than thay did ass only premium left for sale here lol there nuts
Cheeky gits have put 10p on a litre of petrol at a bp garage near me....although i'm happy to say they havent messed aroud with the deisel price.
I can see them going out of buisiness after this as people take notice of those who try to profit from things like this..........I wont ever be using them again for so much as a stick of gum.
drove into my local sainsburys last night at 9pm..........I was the only one there!!! 19 spare pumps full of sainsburys (ahem ) finest!!!

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