Tricky of York

Well-Known Member
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This time with text! Sorry.

I became the proud owner of one of my dream cars last October, a shiny black 2005 Range Rover 4.2 Supercharged. Sure enough it's a man thing but I've spent years buying presents for my kids so decided to treat myself. What about my wife?, you may ask. Well she was against the idea from the outset but guess who has spent the most time driving it. The kids think it's great and will jump in every time the key turns. All in all it has made a positive stamp on the family.

That said she can be either Black Beauty or The Beast. Although, I have a list as long as your arm to get her running perfectly every time we venture off the drive, she has spent the last few weeks going nowhere. If anyone out there can offer a clue as to the meaning of the dashboard display fault codes in the attached picture that are displayed "every time the key turns from 0 to I" I will be extremely grateful. after this at position II - nothing, not even a cough. The RAC man couldn't get her to fire up even when he jumped the starter motor. The engine turns but no sign of life. All polite suggestions will be investigated to the full.

Looking forward to a long and enjoyable association with fellow Landyzone members.
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Rx & Tx normally means transmit & Receive, so I am assuming it's looking for replies from various systems and not getting any.

A bit like when a computer hard drive fails or motherboard or some such. Perhaps the ECU isn't getting any info. I'd start looking at wiring, earth,battery connections and so forth. It could simply be an ignition switch issue, I believe they do suffer from this.

But surely the RAC man had some sort of clue? Someone will happen along soon and give a clue.

Welcome aboard :)
Many thanks for your welcome and comment. I'm sure I will get to the root cause and will certainly post any solutions I find along the way.

Cheers, Tricky.
Ok, been searching. An American chap had a similar problem, but his hazard lamps were flashing when he tried.

Anyway, try pushing the mileage reset button while turning the key and see if she'll spin.... Apparently, his instrument panel was goosed.

It's a free test and worth a try.
Afraid I can't give you an answer on this one but I notice you mention the car being quite damp, in your introduction thread. To which I can only tell you the water in the spare wheel well is a known issue. Putting a dehumidifier in, will only help after you address the original cause. The main solution for the swimming pool is a hole to drain it and trace backwards to find where it's coming in. There are several threads on where it could be coming from.
Your post also seems to infer that your fusebox area is also damp , that one I haven't met yet, but again a quick search or maybe some of the guys have heard of it. Maybe the extent of the dampness might give a pointer towards the not starting issue? Maybe not, but it's worth giving as much info as possible, as it might shine a light on the issue from a different direction.
Do you have any range rover specific diagnostics that you can plug in, it could be an immobiliser fault or a host of other gremlins.
You mention a list of things you need to do to get it to drive correctly, what sort of things ?
Your car is a bit new for me, mine is the older canbus system
Is the engine cranking? Or no crank on position 3?

Do the dash lights illuminate as normal?

If so, it could be the main fuse thats on the positive battery terminal itself.
Is the engine cranking? Or no crank on position 3?

Do the dash lights illuminate as normal?

If so, it could be the main fuse thats on the positive battery terminal itself.

Playing devils advocate here, but if the main fuse was gone, surely there would be no feed to the dash watsoever?
It would appear that the engine is cranking and not starting, i am not sure how the main fuse is connected but if it is in the same way as the battery disconnect unit, which when there is a significant impact the BDU disconnects the main power to the engine but leaves power to the cabin to open doors / windows etc, so if that was the case it wouldn't crank.
Does this tell you anything
Hi folks,
Many thanks for all your input, it's very much appreciated.
I have been very busy yesterday and today trying to find a root cause. Having checked every fuse, relay and electrical connector, I can testify that there are no dodge contacts. Having stripped out the ignition switch everything looks good. In fact this car is cleaner than my year old VW.
I have made sure everything is back in place and the battery is on constant conditioner but it still refuses to turn over on the key.
Power is live both to fuse box and starter/alternator, all lights on the dash are correct with no faults on screen but turn from I to II and the headlights stay bright, the fan and radio go quiet as expected but no crank.
I do not have a plug in diagnosis tool so think it's time to ship her off to the local specialist in desperation, unless there is anything you guys and girls can think of that may provide a lifeline.

Is it possibly a fault between ign and starter wire?

Modern cars need a real kick up the arse :p
Thinking remove and re-fit little starter wire , common enough culprit.
A little abrasion with sand paper and refit.
Hi there, sounds like a plan. I was hopping that I would escape having to crawl underneath but if that's what it takes to save a few hundred pounds seems worth while to me.

Best wrap up warm in the morning. Cheers.

Don't get squashed so plenty of axle stands and good idea to disconnect the battery incase you short out the big red one, but you knew all that anyway :)

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