
New Member
I have an 09 sport, auto 2.7 diesel V6.

This originally started off as a handbrake issue along with the red light of doom, the height problems.
I ignored it as the car drove well and never went into limp mode at all. Until time for the MOT cam round again. I haven't replaced any parts.
I have worked through attempting to diagnose what the issue is and although I have all working sensors, the pump is working well and not overheating, and I haven't found any issue with any of the associated ecu's, the diagnostic system shows no faults except some stored ones not relevant to the suspension system the red light flashes then stays on permanently.
I have completed the calibration correctly and had a successful message. I made sure the system is in normal mode and not in freeze or manufacture mode and the red lights still on.

The only thing I noticed was after resetting the system prior to the calibration, there were 3 statements,
1 was normal mode
2nd said something about dynamic stability
3rd said all ok

I'm thinking the issue is around the dynamic stability.
Is there any way of knowing if this is affecting the red light problem? Or a test I can do to see if there is something that's failed?

Any ideas gratefully received as have already cancelled the MOT twice. Hoping to get it finally back on the road for the new year.

Electronic Air Suspension and Active Roll Control are two separate systems, it reads to me as you have an ARC problem, not EAS.
Please list the DTC's you have, they may be relevant to ARC.
Thanks. I will take pictures of the dtcs tomorrow and respond here in the evening all being well.

Do you need any other info that I could get??
ARC fluid level check and visual check of valve block (drivers side, approximately in line with 'B' pillar) & lines for leaks or damage would be a good first line diagnostic check list.
Apologies for the delay in updating my issue, I've been ill last couple of weeks. Going to take pics etc and post here today.
Good morning.
So I ran the diagnostic again yesterday evening and got the following codes as seen in the attached photos.
The hydraulic pressure one is new. The other ones about intermittent faults are regulars.
As you can also see the suspension is in the normal road position but the system is asking it to raise. However raising and lowering do not active the pump at all.
When originally the EPB had failed the pump would always be heard running. After replacing the EPB unit and sorting the handbrake completely now the handbrake works all the time but initially after reconnecting the EPB unit the air pump would not run. So if the handbrake worked the pump would not do anything and when the handbrake didn't work then the pump would work.
I have also, after completing the height level calibration successfully, noticed on the screen the two right hand wheels are indicated as higher than the left even though the vehicle is on the flat. All of these I suppose are related in some way to the suspension fault and I'm hopeful that somebody will understand and maybe have come across this before .
Many thanks for any advice


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Deal with the height difference first and see what comes back. There are some Intermittent faults as well so deal with obvious first.
Hydraulic pressure could be a duff sensor or pump..
One thing at a time sirπŸ‘Œ
Good morning Mark. Thanks for the response.
I have completed the calibration already but do you suggest I do it again because it's not showing right?
Recalibrating the height won't really help, the system is inhibited - my guess - a guess because I don't have any documentation for your particular system & vehicle to hand, is that the ARC system pressure algorithm failure is preventing any height changes, which is how I'd expect it to work. What has muddied the waters is the intervening EPB fault, which will suppress issues with systems of a lower priority - as well as those on CAN disconnected by the EPB. The full text for C1119-62 is "Hydraulic Pressure - Algorithm Based Failure - Signal Compare Failure". Which can mean a defective sensor, or the received value is outside of the range of expected values. So check the ARC system has fluid in it, there are no leaks, there is pressure and the wiring is not damaged or corroded to the valve block.
Hi @ManxViking

Wonder if it would also be worth checking the ARC valve block filter and replacing if it’s not been done in a while ?

Also think the engine needs to be at idle when checking the fluid level

Of course others more knowledgeable than myself on the ARC system will be able to confirm that for u or if its a pointless exercise
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Recalibrating the height won't really help, the system is inhibited - my guess - a guess because I don't have any documentation for your particular system & vehicle to hand, is that the ARC system pressure algorithm failure is preventing any height changes, which is how I'd expect it to work. What has muddied the waters is the intervening EPB fault, which will suppress issues with systems of a lower priority - as well as those on CAN disconnected by the EPB. The full text for C1119-62 is "Hydraulic Pressure - Algorithm Based Failure - Signal Compare Failure". Which can mean a defective sensor, or the received value is outside of the range of expected values. So check the ARC system has fluid in it, there are no leaks, there is pressure and the wiring is not damaged or corroded to the valve block.
That does make sense, I'd of thought the arc would only be limiting or active with a moving vehicle.. Learning something new today πŸ‘
Could be - the height sensors obviously 'know what's going on' because they show a valid height, even if not to the calibrated level, so the EAS side can be discounted as the cause - a 'hard' ARC (or ACE as it use to be called) DTC will not disable the EAS but will limit it to normal height, using the pressure already in the system, this is to prevent over or under pressure due to reacting to the ARC being in an unknown state. The cause of the error needs to be investigated, and rectified, I'm not sure if the code reader is capable of reading live values but that'd be a good starting point after the basic checks above.
The reader I have is the Autel maxisys ultra.
Yes it is capable of showing every line value for every sensor throughout the car via each ECU.
Depending on which numbers you think I should look at first, I can take screenshots of the results of those?
When I looked at the values given off by the height sensors they all showed correct voltage and the heights were equal on the front and equal on the back as when I did the calibration there was a 5 mm difference between the front and the rears. But that still calibrated ok.
Also the indicator on the dash which shows there is a problem, initially flashes red and on the LCD screen shows 'suspension faulty' I can't remember how many flashes but after a few it stays on permanently red.
I suggest you look at the basics - fluid level, leaks and pipework / harness damage first, if OK (and you can see fluid being returned to reservoir), indicating the pump is OK, then look at the ARC/ACE pressure values.
The reader I have is the Autel maxisys ultra.
Yes it is capable of showing every line value for every sensor throughout the car via each ECU.
Depending on which numbers you think I should look at first, I can take screenshots of the results of those?
When I looked at the values given off by the height sensors they all showed correct voltage and the heights were equal on the front and equal on the back as when I did the calibration there was a 5 mm difference between the front and the rears. But that still calibrated ok.


May I ask out of curiosity what measurements did u get in MM of the heights front / back in normal ride height , measuring from the centre of the wheels to the bottom of the wheel arches plse , thks

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