
New Member
hello everyone. I am very new to the forum but I often read articles on here, just never registered before. I have a freelander 1.8 petrol engine V registration which 3 weeks ago had a new head gasket fitted. I looked on this site for information and found it really helpful. So... having got my car back all nicely fixed, I used it yesterday to travel from York to Newcastle and on the way home I had the heaters on cos I got soaked. Upon arriving home in York I could hear the fans running for a short while after I turned the car off. This morning on checking the engine I noticed there was no water in the water coolant bottle. I filled it up with four litres of water because it kept disappearing, only to find that actually it was pouring out of the engine at the back onto my driveway. I checked the oil which resembled creamy coloured coffee and was a bit watery too, not as thick as it should normally be. I found that if the engine was running, i could fill the water bottle up and it held for a while, it didnt drain out so quickly as it did when the engine was cold. So I drove carefully 1 mile to the garage that originally sorted out the head gasket and there it sits for now waiting to be checked. Could this be another issue with the head gasket even though its a brand new one fitted less than 3 weeks ago? Thank you in advance for any help.:frown:
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Welcome to the forum, sorry to hear of you woe. I have limited knowledge on the subject but it does sound as if there is an issue with a gasket.

Try changing the title of the thread to put the word Freelander in there, you'll get more interest that way. Click edit post, then click Go Advanced.
Sounds very much like a head gasket problem. Wait to see what garage says and hope that running engine with such low coolant didn't cause bigger problems. Did they tell you why head gasket needed replacing in first place i.e. coolant loss etc?

Yep sounds like they ant dun it reight
If your head gasket went a few weeks ago then the residue in the oil and water system could simply be old stuff they couldnt clean, (its very hard to get it all out, the water problem could and probably is down to either the garage making a pigs ear of the head gasket/ missed a seal, caught the gasket on the way in, or the head could be damaged (warped from the heat etc) or possibly the engine wasnt bled properly after the repairs, the long drive caused over heat and simply popped off a hose due to the heat and pressure..

none of these things will do your engine any good and i would say no matter what they find, it is down to them to fix it..

Hope this helps :)
I have just heard from the garage and they tell me that a metal water pipe is corroded and that they have ordered a new pipe. Does that sound about right??? why would the oil be discoloured?? I have just asked him if the head gasket is ok and he said that it was??
Sequential HGF is not unknown on the K series petrol engines.
The only proper fix (and even that is debatable) is to do the head gasket,(with the correct gasket), the lower engine rail, the remote thermostat and an EWP.

Before the gasket was replaced the garage should have contucted a "sniff" test, leakdown test, checked the coolant bottle and cap for cracks and leaks. Once the heads were off, the liners should have been checked for height and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the crankshaft have been rotated.

Without knowing what the garage has done, it is next to impossible to remotely fault find, but the usual answer is to get them to fix it and then sell it ASAP.

then go and buy a TD4.
Sorry i forgot to say that the head gasket was replaced originally because the engine overheated and there was no water in the coolant bottle. Although when I filled it up with water, it ran ok but they changed the head gasket anyway.
I have just heard from the garage and they tell me that a metal water pipe is corroded and that they have ordered a new pipe. Does that sound about right??? why would the oil be discoloured?? I have just asked him if the head gasket is ok and he said that it was??

If that is the case, ask him why there is mayonnaise in the coolant - it is either.....
because they didnt clean the system out properly - it is critical that they do.
because the oil and water are mixing again - ie HGF.

Neither are good news and down to their incompetence.
I think you are quite right. I need to get shot of it.........

Sequential HGF is not unknown on the K series petrol engines.
The only proper fix (and even that is debatable) is to do the head gasket,(with the correct gasket), the lower engine rail, the remote thermostat and an EWP.

Before the gasket was replaced the garage should have contucted a "sniff" test, leakdown test, checked the coolant bottle and cap for cracks and leaks. Once the heads were off, the liners should have been checked for height and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the crankshaft have been rotated.

Without knowing what the garage has done, it is next to impossible to remotely fault find, but the usual answer is to get them to fix it and then sell it ASAP.

then go and buy a TD4.
Sorry i forgot to say that the head gasket was replaced originally because the engine overheated and there was no water in the coolant bottle. Although when I filled it up with water, it ran ok but they changed the head gasket anyway.

what made them think it was HGF and not just a cracked coolant bottle?
So where will the water be leaking from? I can see it goes down the pipe inside the water bottle but then I can see it pours onto the ground at the back of the engine underneath, so if it is the head gasket again, where is it leaking from?

If that is the case, ask him why there is mayonnaise in the coolant - it is either.....
because they didnt clean the system out properly - it is critical that they do.
because the oil and water are mixing again - ie HGF.

Neither are good news and down to their incompetence.
Sequential HGF is not unknown on the K series petrol engines.
The only proper fix (and even that is debatable) is to do the head gasket,(with the correct gasket), the lower engine rail, the remote thermostat and an EWP.

Before the gasket was replaced the garage should have contucted a "sniff" test, leakdown test, checked the coolant bottle and cap for cracks and leaks. Once the heads were off, the liners should have been checked for height and UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the crankshaft have been rotated.

Without knowing what the garage has done, it is next to impossible to remotely fault find, but the usual answer is to get them to fix it and then sell it ASAP.

then go and buy a TD4.
Your recommendation is to buy another Freelander?

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