donkey kong is hogging the greenlane forum and not making any sense in his replies... i think the banter and educated-ness has got-ten to him.

does he ever venture out of the greenlane forum? or offer any advice on the other sections? or just hurl abuse around the greenlane forum?

the mind boggles
FFS! I haven't bin on since before Xmas as frankly it's looked a bit quiet in here since all the er, who har. Wuz going to wade in (appropriate?) to the greenlane debate, but what's the point? The Dork has it set in his mind that he's a god given right to do his best to round up (& indoctrinate others) to feck it all up for anyone else unfortunate enuff to also live in Kent & won't listen to any contrary view. Dunno, does he venture out of there? If so & you read this Dork, stick me on your ignorance list PLEASE. Your attitude stinks & goes to show that the rest of us & all of GLASS' good work is always going to be an uphill sruggle if not a complete waste of time while there's tools in 4X4s without a fekin clue. There y'are, if I get a reply, he does venture out!
Oh, & shame I won't be about tomorrow night, but I may be spending the night/day/dunno in a labour ward! EEK! :eek:
Still drying me eyes after reading the last of the green lanin bit hehehehehehehehehheehehhe
Can't but wish you, and her off course, all the best. Hope for the Doris' sake it's over with ASAP.
Yeah, may go a week or so, but just got a feelin! Just a question, WADDAFEKHASITGOTTODOWIVGREENLANING? That's 'don't pay & play' ain't it?
I went out a week or so back & after about 1/2 a mile turned back because I felt it unreasonable to continue. You can ALWAYS turn around, it ain't difficult if you CAN drive! Half larfin & half seething!
Know what you mean. But it's amazing how many people don't realise the you can go backwards as well as forwards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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