
Active Member
Hi guys well been looking on ebay an saw afew new toys that i wanted to run past you guys to make sure there be simple to fit in my 02 td4..

first on the list is a high flow aluminium radiator with 40mm core an are £159 on ebay, is this something i should be able ti fit myself guys? or should i go to the pros.

second is the remote start control, dont know if you guys have seen them or not, it so you can start your car from a distance an also has afew extra security features also with a push start button, there about £60 an wanted to know if they are easy to fit an compatable with my old girl lol

third, the hud or heads up display, they are very cheap at £30 an allways liked the idea of these, again are they even compatable though with my old girl an are theyy hard to fit or can a sucker like me fit it myself.

cheers guys

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I like the radiator, but I wonder if it would play hell with a K series.

They're already ultra sensitive to thermal shock and if it's a bigger rad, temps may fluctuate far more?
the hud looks cool, but it says on the listing its for OBD 11. yours is the same as mine a 02 plate TD4, mine isnt OBD11 :(
why do people go mad for a push button start I remember having one on my mini back in 1967 and they were out before that so it is not a new thing
the only problem with the one on the mini it was on the floor and you got all the crap of the road onto the bottom of it because it went through the floor
the hud looks cool, but it says on the listing its for OBD 11. yours is the same as mine a 02 plate TD4, mine isnt OBD11 :(

yea this is what im not sure about, the same with the remote start im guessing, so i take it the hud cant be installed? what about the remote start anyone?

the radiator is ok though i take it? and will compliment the custom intercooler? hmmm then we get to tthe fun fast bits :
Garmin make a hud that connects to your smartphone through Bluetooth. Looks quite similar to LR's own display too. Doesn't give obd diagnostics but gives gps speed and basic directions.
my tuppence worth of suggestions ..

the radiator:
surplus to requirements .. unless your towing in the sahara or similar place
the td4 diesel .. even when tuned .. doesn't run very hot .. certainly not in uk temps
most i've seen mine at was 93c in a traffic que .. mid this years muggy 'heat wave'
turning on the AC caused it to drop to 79c ( cause it makes the engine bay fan operate )
when moving .. even with my foot-in-it ( ronbox2a on '10' .. pierburg maf ) .. 83c is about max ..
( save your money towards good tyres .. as if your td4 is tuned .. and you run it hard
( tyres will wear out faster

( edited to add ) .. if you do go for higher bhp
e.g. ronbox2a + a remap
you'd be advised to add a temperature monitor for the exhaust gas
as the turbo could melt before the engine cooling system reaches its limit ..

the remote start box:
don't know about other folk .. but i'd prefer to see the dials 'n dash lights when starting up
'n how long before you'd leave it in gear .. forget .. 'n remote start it ?
( unless you've an auto )
hijack deterent .. who in their right mind would want to hijack a td4 FL1 ?
besides .. if the engine were to be cut off .. mid flight .. and an accident occured ..
maybe the remote-operator might be held responsible ..
want the cab to warm up in the winter before you get in ? .. get a fuel-burning-heater ( FBH ) ..

the heads-up whatsit thingy:
thought of getting one myself .. cause the steering wheel always interferes with my view of the dials
ended up getting a 'scangaugeII' .. pic attached ..

( )

lets you monitor 4 guages at once for real-time feed back ..
( mph is accurate .. unlike the dashboard dial )
in addition .. if you've selected to view 'volts' .. the alternator output
when you shut off the motor .. the scanguage stays 'on' for a few seconds ..
and gives you a reading of the battery voltage
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Remote start is a load of pointless bollocks and technically not legal in UK - you cant leave a car with engine running unattended.

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