that is very kind of you I don't mind paying for some fuel, I have also a fibre glass boot liner that will fit your P38 if you are interested
that is very kind of you I don't mind paying for some fuel, I have also a fibre glass boot liner that will fit your P38 if you are interested
You could always nip to his. A couple of hours is nothing for the person being offered the favour. :D
I was getting me arris in a twist, thought OP was being unduly bertated, I missed the offer of diag.:oops:

Ian, your a fine fellow so you are.:)
Pasty offered, then realised Ian was two hours away, which was a stretch too far , leaving one to think issue may be time not cost. Ian offered fuel and liner. All good and great but if issue is time, not money, my suggestion was it might be easier for Ian to give up his time to go to offer of help.
Confused, you will be after this episode.
I'm happy ether way I'm just happy that people are kind enough to help each other out on here
My only comment is that it's a long trip if I end up driving on the bump stops

It gets very bounce lol
If it rights itself after a quick reset, you shouldn't end up on the stops. Orrrrrrr you could enjoy the bounce and treat it like a grown-up spacehopper :D
Ok so this person wanted to by my nanocom unit
He wanted me to send it to an address
He paid me through PayPal but the address on the PayPal account was different. I bought a Hermes postage lable to the address shown on the PayPal account

He then writes to me having a go at me and wanting a refund

I told him that I sent it to the address shown on PayPal because if anything happens then I would be covered as much as him

I have been court out before
I sent an item to a different address and I lost the item and my money because he said he never got the item

Well Ian, I presume you didn't send it as your now advertising it for sale again.
This suggests that you have refunded the money to him and can draw a line under the experience.

There are two sides to grievances but it would be remiss of us to encourage a public hanging.

All I want to know is, have you refunded the buyer?
It is in PayPals hands
Because he put a complaint into PayPal
I have said that I would give a refund minus the postage as I think that's fair
As I can't get this back from Hermes

I don't see why I should lose out on this

At the end of the day I am bound to PayPal turms and conditions
If he wanted it to go to another address then he should have put a note with the address on the PayPal system

Also he was useing his girlfriends account Which technology you are not aloud to do

Also say for instance I sent it to the address he wanted and it went missing PayPal would refund him right away because there would be no fall back as I didn't sent it to the address registered to that account

I'm sorry but I will put this guy out for public hanging and I have done nothing wrong

I gave him a good deal the price he wanted
I gave him free postage

He told me I was ripping him off
How on gods earth was I ripping him off

He was rude in every way
And most of all he has given this forum a bad name

What difference does the address make anyway unless he was hideing something if he had a problem with his girlfriend address, again he should of put a note on paypal.

All the people I have spoken to on here are really nice guys who will bend over backwards to help each other.
And then you get some **** like this

I have always treated people with respect and I deserve the same

This guys name is stpaulinus

and another thing I even told him that is had not been posted and the address can easily be changed and he still went off on one
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