Curly Bob

New Member
I have just had a bout of madness and bought a 52 plate Discovery xs which is in pretty good nick apart from some central locking gremlins and the intermittent appearance of the 3 amigos.
Thankfully I have access to a Nanocom.
I have previously owned a P38 Rangie so am no novice when it comes to the intricacies of bad electronics but its good to know there is such a huge brains trust when it comes to the quirks of Discovery 2s.
I am sure that I will need the forum for different technological queries and will also try to help out with other's queries as I learn.
I live near Cambridge and was wondering ir there is a local contingent that does the occasional green lane?
Welcome to the forum, disco 2 myself and central locking gremlins now and again! Try new batteries in the fobs if you haven't already! Love mine they can take some stick
Welcome fellow Disco 2 owner.
Always keep the battery charged up. That will solve half of your electrical problems.

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