Hi there,

Yes I am collecting it today. The reasons being, I have chased the history. I have personally spoken to the mechanic who did the previous services, he has since sent me the work schedules, and I have managed to retrieve all the warranty work that it has been carried out. I have this now in hard copy. I have an orginal book stamped now, and Stratstone Mayfair are now going to do a 36k service. I have hard copy of the tracking, that it has now been resolved. So I am a little more confident on the issue.

The reason, I have not posted, I do not fancy being called a c*nt or mavis. Will continue to post from now on, and keep you up to date. If remarks such as trying to diagnose a fault are negative for some of you guys, what the forums are for?

morning Mavis, glad to see you finally appear to have made your mind up

i think you are confusing light hearted banter with abuse, and you only got some flack due to you sounding like a girl buying shoes
I'm up for some light hearted banter but when the the chief t#sser/Keyboard warrior Slob pipes up it leaves me with no option but to have a pop back.

To many posts on here end up off topic because one of the usual thread trolls fancies posting crap up and offending people who need help and in most cases offer no constructive input what so ever.

How many people on here ask for help, get it but never respond back with a result, TD4 2004 took his time making a decision and kept the board informed of his actions and intentions and gets slated for it.

I believe the main reason this forum doesnt have many new members who regulary post is down to the usual suspects acting childish and p#ssing people off.
The forum needs a moderator who can and will control threads and individuals when required.
Aw Zippy! - is it time fur a group hug?

The usual "suspects acting childish" is invariably because the same Q's come up time n time agin and the newbie cant be arsed to look fur him/her self. I think yu will find that genuine help is invariably given - but this thread is purely about personal preference.
I'm up for some light hearted banter but when the the chief t#sser/Keyboard warrior Slob pipes up it leaves me with no option but to have a pop back.

To many posts on here end up off topic because one of the usual thread trolls fancies posting crap up and offending people who need help and in most cases offer no constructive input what so ever.

How many people on here ask for help, get it but never respond back with a result, TD4 2004 took his time making a decision and kept the board informed of his actions and intentions and gets slated for it.

I believe the main reason this forum doesnt have many new members who regulary post is down to the usual suspects acting childish and p#ssing people off.
The forum needs a moderator who can and will control threads and individuals when required.
go boil yer head! if yer can find a pot big enough.
you rarely offer anything constructive yer self. yer turn up on here every now and then and bleat about the folk that keep this forum alive.

most we get out of you is " oh! its terrible how the usual tossers/warriors have a laff and giggle while helping out" then you go into the " i had that on mine and it was the omm foo foo valve"
if yer want a forum with mods then fook orf and join one or better still start yer own forum then you can play god and ban anyone that dare say bum or perhap post a joke or two.
if you go back to when i joined LZ , it was dead, there was hardly any one answering any questions. now look at it , its buzzin nearly every day and still ****s like you do nowt but complain.

Question 1:How does a tw#t get to 14,992 posts ? (Your charming Phrase not mine)

My point exactly about being a Keyboard Warrior.

Answer:By posting his usual sh#te day in and day out.

You are an idiot and again your name calling to anybody who has the audacity to tell you you are wrong and point out your mistakes only shows your lack of class and general understanding.

As for my posts i think you will find mine are genuine questions and in my replys i always try to be constructive.
hey Zippy - take a chill pill, mate - this place aint just a furum - its a chat room as well. Yup - occasionally it goes over the top, but speakin fur one who is on here 9-5 and most evernings, I do my best to help, but yu do need to resolve the boredom some times. Join in a bit more - you mite even find yu enjoy it - its like a drug.

Just look at the "new" Anything goes section - see how many posts there are there and how many are " my fuel pump makes a squeaky noise - is it the tyre pressure?" sort of post.

I think you will find i dont need a chill pill its the idiot otherwise known as Slob.

His targeted personel posts are what started this ball rolling not mine, as i have said class is something you are born with or without and from his posts we all know Mr nice guy lacks any.

Like i have said many a time idiotic posts by some users dont help the threads and just add pages of cr#p.

There are ways of getting your point across with humour (See Ming) without resorting to name calling and coming across as a complete pr#ck.(See Slob)
aint this forum big enuf fur all of us?

yu mention "His targeted personel posts are what started this ball rolling not mine" and then put "its the idiot otherwise known as Slob" and "class is something you are born with or without and from his posts we all know Mr nice guy lacks any". You are also making personel (sic) remarks - particularly after yu put "the usual suspects acting childish and p#ssing people off" - that does imply it aint only Mr Slob.

Ok - so you dont like his approach - but he knows more about certain landies than most - and it is worth putting up with his gay rapartee to obtain the nuggets of gold hidden within. This forum should be available to all - not just those with "class" or those not classified as "idiots" - in fairness - "idiot" is one description which certainly cannot be levelled at him, but could be at some of the dumb q's that are asked on occasion.
Question ?

Why are you sticking up for him ?

Wasnt it he who started the name calling with TD4 2004 and then moved onto myself.

I agree i have lowered myself near to his level by responding to his childish rants but hey its done now and i stand by my lack of class comment.
At which point did i say the forum is only open to people with Class or imply it was ?

You blowing warm air ups his rear portion doesnt help and then having a go at me for standing my corner is laughable.

Me calling him an idiot is wrong is it ? but not one mention of him calling me and another user a ****, TUT TUT and you have admitted at times you mediate in such threads, is that the Burmese type of mediation ?

As i have already said blowing warm air up his arse is only going to help his overblown ego and lets him believe he can carry on being an idiot.

i aint supporting Slob - just saying we cant be all your ideal. I have had spats wiv Slob - as have most peeps on here. In fact theres only me wot is perfect.
and here's yer prize :D


  • Chickennuggets.jpg
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FFS wheres Slob with his input.

Sirus that was so predictable, bit like you maybe ?

TMHM we can all live in harmony just agree to disagree, i dont like him slagging me or other users off, he doesnt like my more relaxed proffesional approach.

Maybe i need to get a little gaggle of followers together who can all kiss my ar#e when someone has a pop at me.

Shall i start with:


Fancy it boys.

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