Hi there,

Just spoke to them now, they said they will put in writing for me, that the car comes with full service history, but waiting for the book.

I do not fancy a replacement though. Should I go back and advise to delay collection?

I agree you should delay the sale until all service history is available on collection of the car.

It will be a priority for them if you wont pay for or collect the car until all documents are present, if you let them supply it at a later date we all know you will be still chasing it this time next year.

Ask them how long they have had the vehicle before you agreed to buy it, why wasnt the service history chased when they first took the vehicle into the dealership, they know any buyer with some savvy will want all documentation yet most dealers dont give a hoot about sourcing missing paperwork and will always promise you they will get it.

Remember, The cheque is in the post : I will call you tommorrow: And i promise not to .... in your mouth. add to this list '' Of course sir we will supply all missing documents'' :D
Dealers will tell you anything to get you to buy the car.
The other alternative is to try to get them to knock a shed load of money off in lieu of the service history. without the book, it's not as described, and therefore not worth the money. Ask them to knock a grand off, and say you'll pay them the money when you get the service history in a format you are happy with. Also, ask to see the logbook / V5 document. Get the name and address of the former keeper(s) and contact them. If the dealer wants to sell the car, they'll indugle your whims
Hi there,

Had a lengthy conversation this evening with Stratstone. Mayfair had a communication from Milton Keynes, and they have advised that Milton Keynes have spoken to the previous owner. The previous owner, stated that the car was indeed a company car, and that he had an assistant who was dealing with the service side of things. This individual is on leave and is back Monday. 17k and company car?? Started to get bad thoughts! Anyway, the service book will be discovered on Monday when this guy is back. The other thing that was told, that all services were done by a specialist and not an main dealer. Again I find it funny. But I was told, legally, a specialist can service the vehicle, as long he meets the Land Rover criteria. You thoughts please. Mayfair, will on Monday, get in contact with this garage and confirm the work that was carried out. In addition, there was only one warranty work that was carried out to door hindges by Hadley Green in Barnet. Apparently, they would of not touched it, without a valid history. I have told Mayfair that I would accept a replacement book and find it very off putting that a brand new car would be serviced by a specialist. He has confirmed that the last service was done last June, and the vehicle will be serviced in full.

Your thoughts please, as I am getting second thoughts. Especially when they said they are willing to get an original book and get the garage to stamp it with the scheduled services.


17k and company car??

Company car does not automatically mean a rep's car. Most big firms give their managers company cars and these are just used for commuting - Often just to the nearest railway station and back everyday!


Ok good point. How about the service history by a specialist from day one. Never serviced by a main dealer?

I told them, I will not pick up the vehicle until service history is sorted.


How about the service history by a specialist from day one. Never serviced by a main dealer?

Unusual but becoming more common. EU law now permits the servicing of cars at non-main dealers without invalidating any warranty. The requirements are that it must be serviced by a VAT registered garage, must use original parts and must follow the manufacturer's service schedule. This company could well have an independant garage that does all their fleet servicing regardless of make or age.


Ok cheers. I will have to wait and see until Monday.I just find it unusual that the book was not handed at the time to Stratstone when it was delivered back to them. I would of thought, that service book was sorted, prior to the car going out for sale. I have asked for proof of work that was carried out, to validate each stamp.

The car was going to be collected tomorrow, but not now. The car had its tracking sorted and was right it was out. I was first told it was the camber of the road. I am really fussy, but I am paying top market value for this vehicle. Do you think 12k for a 53 ref Freelander Sport is reasonable?


1. I would of thought, that service book was sorted, prior to the car going out for sale.

2. Do you think 12k for a 53 ref Freelander Sport is reasonable?

1. A dealer won't do anything to a car but wash it until a buyer is found.
2. Price is on the high side. With that mileage the trade value is £9K. An independant normally sells about £1K above trade and a main dealer (like Stratstone) another grand over that. That puts the retail price at a main dealer at about £11K.


at the end of this day, the issue of the service history will only come back to Stratstone. If they are going to warranty this vehicle (out of land rover warranty), then they must be accepting that the service history for the vehicle is correct. Might be worth trying to find out the details of the independent and checking them out.

When I worked for a major international company (no names). we all had brand new fords, but a mechanic from the fleet depot used to turn up on site with a mobile workshop,drive your car into the back of it, do a service, stamp the book and give it back. Never had a problem taking it back to main dealer for warranty issues.

BUT, you are the one who has to be happy with the history of the car. I am sure it is sexy and shiny (they all are on the forecourt), and I would probably like it just as much as you. 12k is a lot of money to spend on something you are maybe going to be constantly worried about.
Thanks for the reply. He did say that he was going to contact the garage who serviced it and obtain as much information as possible. I will also do my check on the garage in question, when I find out the details.

Just little upset, why it has to get to this stage. You would think, buying a car from a main dealer is a safe bet. But based on my last two experiences, do not trust these people. Mercedes Benz sold me a car 3 years ago, checked the stamps in the book, and called the garages concerned and one of them was not even a service, It was a PDI. So I got my money back. That is why, from VW and MB, I have lost total faith in any dealer. Some of the specialist dealers are much better!

So probably, have to sit and wait. They have taken my £500 deposit and cashed it in. I just feel jinxed on any car I buy.

What do you guys think I should do in the mean time? Wait and see what they find, or back out now when I have the chance to?

At the end of the day, you've always got sale of goods act, ie fit for purpose, if its not as described, take it back. Personally I think you've got loads more clout with a main dealer than a fred-in-the- shed kind of op, but at the end of the day, they're all c*nts out to nick as much from yer as poss. Least its got a Landy warranty, that counts fer summat(not much!);)
It is becoming more common for companies to use independant dealers to service cars but again check everything, you are paying top dollar for the car so piece of mind is extremely important.

My current company used to use a local mechanic until i proved that he was just doing an oil and filter change instead of a full service and not using OEM parts. When a particular Audi went back to the lease company they investigated the service schedule and then promptly charged us £1200 + vat for an incomplete service history :eek: .

Book was stamped but not worth the paper it was written on.

Now all the cars go to a main agent but i supply all the OEM parts sourced from the web and they just charge labour.Everybody is happy.
SAAB have even now agreed to match web prices for parts and in some cases beat them as they know i'm a tight git and wont pay there inflated prices.

As for your issue give them a deadline to supply all the paperwork, if they fail get your £500 back, walk away and find another car.
Hi there,

Had a lengthy conversation this evening with Stratstone. This individual is on leave and is back Monday. the service book will be discovered on Monday when this guy is back.

I have told Mayfair that I would accept a replacement book and find it very off putting that a brand new car would be serviced by a specialist. He has confirmed that the last service was done last June, and the vehicle will be serviced in full.

Your thoughts please, as I am getting second thoughts. Especially when they said they are willing to get an original book and get the garage to stamp it with the scheduled services.



Ah - the old "the guy who deals with it is on holiday/off sick/been abducted by aliens" chestnut - then when he does 'come back' it'll be "I'm sorry, sir - we can't seem to find the service book, not to worry, we'll get you a replacement & make it all up!"

It's not as if you're buying a £3k 5th-hand motor - how much deposit have you paid - can you walk away/get money back ?, there are plenty of other motors & dealers out there.

servicing by independants is just as good if not better than land landrover service as they often rely on reputation - we all know landrover main dealer servicing is a rip off - £370 to change 3 filters, engine oil & have a quick look at the vehicle! same thing at independant £225 plus change gearbox oils & coolant.

if they say they're willing to get a replacement book they're more or less admitting thay cant get the original.

when I bought my disco (2 previous owners) it had 8 stamps in the service book - the original sales invoice (£37k from Stafford Land Rover in 2001) & receipts for everthing ever done to it - but I looked at about 12 other vehicles before I found mine)- so for a motor with only 17k on the clock you have every right to expect the same.

It MAY all be completely innocent & you MAY be getting a great motor, but just remember when you come to sell it you will get a better price if you've got the full history for it.

go down on Sat morning when there's lots of potential customers about & start kicking up a fuss - they won't want the bad publicity. remember - once they've got your money & it's off the premises they won't give a toss.
Thanks for your advise guys. I have left them a message to call back. I will see that the update is, but they did say it will be Monday with any final outcome.

It is I feel, a little unusual that they had the car for about 8 days and still they were unable to have the service book. Surley, there must of been provisions in place for this sort of stuff. Bit of a risk, that the client sold them the car, and allowed to send the book at a later stage.

Hi there guys,

Hope had good weekend. Little anxious what the outcome will be tomorrow. I received my insurance documentation, and I feel they will try and persist with the car. I do like it, and just little worried about the service history. Feel little better who serviced it, but will do my checking out on the garage, prior to making a decision. To be fair, they said they will do this and will call the garage and get copies of the invoices to validate the stamps.

The cost side of things, I would agree, slightly high, but seeing others, they are similar on an 04 plate but double in mileage.

I just find the whole thing with the dealer trying to sell the car, and think later about the serice history as a little unusual.


on my third td4, this ones a 54 reg five door.

only problems i have had -

air hose got a hole caused loads of black smoke but only cost £9 to fix. on the last one the maf sensor went just before i was about to p ex it.

i do about 1500 miles a month, mainly mways.

the td4s are no worse than any other car for reliability.

a bit heavy on fuel around town for a diesel but ok on the mway.
on my third td4, this ones a 54 reg five door.

only problems i have had -

air hose got a hole caused loads of black smoke but only cost £9 to fix. on the last one the maf sensor went just before i was about to p ex it.

i do about 1500 miles a month, mainly mways.

the td4s are no worse than any other car for reliability.

a bit heavy on fuel around town for a diesel but ok on the mway.
best 4x4 in its class . . .the maf un hoses are well documented now , and a few more niggles . .still best mpg in class ,nuffink can beat it orft road ,as fer slittys. . . .spit!!!!!!
SERVICE HISTORY,,, i have always done my own servicing, saved a fortune every time, and when i come to sell the motor, i have never had a problem with the price being reduced due to not having a dealers stamp in a book,
if the car looks well looked after , then it usually is,

your call

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