auld duffer

Well-Known Member
I have found a potential new project local to me but there is a slight problem/stumbling block .

Its a short wheelbase series 3 registered in 1973 so now historic status .

The seller is a friend of mine who I have known for years from the Hot rod side of my hobby.
He rebuilt the land rover over 20 years ago on a galv chassis and fitted a Peugeot 505 turbo diesel which is buggered and is part of the tale .

He moved fro Northumberland to Scotland and in the process made several trips in the landrover , all went well untill the final trip when he blew the head gasket .

Being in a well paid job and working abroad most of the year, he parked the landy at the back of his rural cottage and there is has sat ever since . It hasn't turned a wheel for at least 16 years .

He did pinch the disco diffs from it for another project but that's as much work as he did to it .

The sticky wicket is that when he basically abandoned it on his property he didnt SORN it and neither did he update the reg document with his new address . Basically he all but scrapped it and any intention to put it back on the road had passed as the bulkhead rusted, the tyres sank into the ground and the mice dined on the new seats that had been fitted when it was originaly rebuilt on a galvanised chassis.

There are loads of new parts on it having been rebuilt not long before it went off the road but suffice to say it will require a full rebuid .

The price is right , just replace the galv chassis under that one with a replacement for his other SWB which had just been condemned with a rotten frame .

The problem is the registration . The current reg is still valid on the DVLA system and shows as untaxed.
He is worried that by selling the vehicle and bringing it back to life that it might render him liable to fines from the DVLA for failing to SORN or failing to notify change of address .

Obviously neither of us want to poke a hornets nest and end up with the wrath of DVLA So before I embark on an expensive mistake, has anyone bought an abandoned land rover that hasn't been SORNd
If I just apply for the registration document is there a likely hood that it will kick DVLA into action .

Basically I would be buying a scrap landy project from the correct owner / registered keeper that doesnt have an up to date V5c .. but is still on DVLA records when I checked it on the insurance and MOT/ Tax data base ..

Has anyone else been in this situation?
I was in a similar situation some 10 years ago, or rather a friend was. He had a 2.8i Ford Capri that had been off the road for many years [stored at a relatives]. Multiple house moves, children, life got in the way...he wanted to restore the car/get back on the road but was fearful of DVLA repercussions. We agreed I'd "buy..." the car and SORN as soon as new V5 arrived [but with no cash changing hands]. I "bought..." the car and SORN'd, then kept the car SORN'd until he was ready to start the rebuild.

There were no repercussions from DVLA. It was a straight purchase/sale, V5 issued and the car SORN'd. He's now "bought..." back the car and all is well.

Re' DVLA, should they go into wobbly mode it would be the current owner who'd run the risk of a slapped wrist/potential fine. As a purchaser you'd simply be buying the Series3 and SORN'ing as off road for restoration. I think the DVLA would much prefer to see an up-to-date registered and SORN'd vehicle rather than one with an outstanding SORN.
I've just done similar with an old Honda moped (stop laughing). It belonged to my grandad who stopped using it in 1978. It sat in his shed for years then us kids started using it on my mates farm. Then it's sat in my shed for years. Poor old grandad is long gone and all addresses are different but after a bit of paperwork to and fro and a few photos emailed to prove it is what I said it is I have a new V5 in my name. On the DVLA website it says last taxed 1978 but no mention of back tax etc. I have done a sorn now and will change it to historic tax class asap.
IIRC, "SORN" is only an issue from the date that the regs were introduced - I.E. thus, with anything off the road before those regs, there is no "offense" committed, as the "offense" did not exist....
I put my non sorned D1 back on the road after being garaged for a good many years.
DVLA mentioned about possible fines but I said the last old owner had passed on to the other side.
Never heard anymore and just taxed it as normal.
Which reminds me, I need to tax it again soon.
SORN came in in 1997 soanything off the road prior to 97 is fine.. so for an old bike off the road since 78 you would be fine all that would be required there would be to sorn it when the keeper detail changed when you got it after 97.. The landy I was looking at was parked up in 2004. Its academic now as the last fela that wanted my 109 decided that running a series as a daily maybee wasn't th best idea and pulled out .. so I dont have the funds for the project now .. Looks like the old 109 is here to stay.. got to admit it does look good parked in the street ,always starts first time and actually drives really well .. so looks like im gonna keep it .. Latest daft idea is to look at the feasibility of fitting a Mazda bongo electric elevating camper roof to a second 109 roof cap . I keep meaning to measure up. With the bongo roofs selling for £300 its potentially a cheap way to converting the 109 to a useable camper ..
I have found a potential new project local to me but there is a slight problem/stumbling block .

Its a short wheelbase series 3 registered in 1973 so now historic status .

The seller is a friend of mine who I have known for years from the Hot rod side of my hobby.
He rebuilt the land rover over 20 years ago on a galv chassis and fitted a Peugeot 505 turbo diesel which is buggered and is part of the tale .

He moved fro Northumberland to Scotland and in the process made several trips in the landrover , all went well untill the final trip when he blew the head gasket .

Being in a well paid job and working abroad most of the year, he parked the landy at the back of his rural cottage and there is has sat ever since . It hasn't turned a wheel for at least 16 years .

He did pinch the disco diffs from it for another project but that's as much work as he did to it .

The sticky wicket is that when he basically abandoned it on his property he didnt SORN it and neither did he update the reg document with his new address . Basically he all but scrapped it and any intention to put it back on the road had passed as the bulkhead rusted, the tyres sank into the ground and the mice dined on the new seats that had been fitted when it was originaly rebuilt on a galvanised chassis.

There are loads of new parts on it having been rebuilt not long before it went off the road but suffice to say it will require a full rebuid .

The price is right , just replace the galv chassis under that one with a replacement for his other SWB which had just been condemned with a rotten frame .

The problem is the registration . The current reg is still valid on the DVLA system and shows as untaxed.
He is worried that by selling the vehicle and bringing it back to life that it might render him liable to fines from the DVLA for failing to SORN or failing to notify change of address .

Obviously neither of us want to poke a hornets nest and end up with the wrath of DVLA So before I embark on an expensive mistake, has anyone bought an abandoned land rover that hasn't been SORNd
If I just apply for the registration document is there a likely hood that it will kick DVLA into action .

Basically I would be buying a scrap landy project from the correct owner / registered keeper that doesnt have an up to date V5c .. but is still on DVLA records when I checked it on the insurance and MOT/ Tax data base ..

Has anyone else been in this situation?
My 109 had been lavishing in a field for over a decade, and was not sorn.
When I got it I immediately declared it as off any public road and sorn. Had no repercussions. The tax would cost £0 anyway as my 1975 S3 costs when I Tax it every year.
Good luck with the rescue 👍

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