helpme said:
you get to you filter from the top of the tank as far as i can see from these pic

Can`t find access panel to top of tank. Looked under back seats and boot. If it means dropping tank out, probably wont bother with filter and just get shot of car.
i cant see it being that you need to drop the tank. markslurry is the man for freelanders, where the **** is he when you need him
yella disco said:
where are you based nobby, maybe someone could come around and have a look

Thanks for offer. I live in a little village on the outskirts of Cambridge. As I said to other member, probably not bother with filter, just take it back to LR dealer and shove it up his arse.
ok bud need any more help give us a call but me and yella are disco boys so we are not as clued up on freelander but we will help if we can
helpme said:
ok bud need any more help give us a call but me and yella are disco boys so we are not as clued up on freelander but we will help if we can

Thanks for all members help. Perhaps I should have bought a proper 4X4, not LRs balls up of a Freelander.
In my Td4 the tank can be accessed from underneath the left backseat, don't know for the 1.8 but guess it should be similar since all bodies, no matter the motorisation, should be the same ?? Here a couple more pictures of what I think is concerned the fuel filter ? (It says: fuel delivery petrol without specifying the motorisation?).

i agree with willo(for once ;)) all bodyshells are the same so it should be under the seat where willo says, if willo was really helpful he would take his digi cam and take a piccy for you ;)
nobby said:
Have you noticed that all the other comedians who said" mechanics ****e" have all gone very quiet! Perhaps its something I said.
Gone quiet because got better things to do on a sunday, but i spoke to a LR mechanic who confirmed there is no fuel filter "in line" as such, just the one in the tank.
See i am helpfull, and you can now tell your mechanic, and stop calling people names stroppy bol*ocks.:D

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