
New Member
Hello all,

This may be one of the briefest memberships Landyzone has had because I sadly had my Defender 110 stolen on the 3rd January.

I'm posting because the thieves took it from my drive during the night without stealing the keys and they didn't have any trouble removing the Clutchclaw.

I'll post full details in the stolen section


Welcome to the forum, sorry to hear about your brief tratter ownership. If you purchase another I can recommend a skytag in helping with getting it back.

Have they built houses on the old ideal standard site yet? I used to venture up there every so often for a lorry load of cisterns:p
Cheers for the replies. No the Ideal Standard site is still there, although you are right, it is earmarked for housing.

Thanks for the Skytag recommendation.
It got mine back when mine was stolen :D

I'm surprised they haven't flattened that place by now, it's been shut a fair while cos I got the last lorry load out of there a good few months ago

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