The Police have been really good. I knew within 30 minutes and they rang to ask if I had a tracker. Apparently they'd sent the helicopter over to look for it. Sadly I hadn't got a tracker so no sign of it.

If I were doing a stake out I'd choose a windy night....I'm pretty sure they'd been waiting for the right night. We've got linked security lights and I often get up to have a look if they go off. But with the high winds the lights kept triggering and there was a lot of noise from the trees.
Gutted for you mate. had cars stolen in the past but got them back as only nicked to get home. These must all be going abroad or stolen to order cause i cant for the life of me find a decent set of doors for mine. Just thought that as so many are being stolen and there should be more parts on the Bay. Not that im into buying stolen parts but how would you know if they were?
Apparantly the thieves can cut off the bottom of the pedals to get clutch claws off.
I have a clutch claw and it also has the same type of lock as the bike locks and it seems there's a way round the rotary locks too.
You can only do what you can. I have a disc lock but l believe the thieves can get these off as well.
What also gets me is how dozens of these distinctive vehicles just disappear without trace every's not as if they are a Focus or Golf.
The tracking device saved our 90 twice. The second time, Police chased the Defender and caught two men with "foreign accents" but they were given bail and disappeared.
They often go straight into containers and shipped off shore. There was a raid a couple years back I think 20 odd Defenders where recovered and a host of RRs, Jags and the like.
Anything can be overcome if they really want your Landy.
A clutch claw will put off casual thieves and make it a bit harder for anybody else, so they might move to another instead of yours.
So still worth putting it on.

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