Years ago, before some folks were born.. bulbs.. that weren't as bright as they are now, had black tips to stop you looking directly at the light source.. why don't modern, brighter and more damaging bulbs have the same!?
You know I'd forgotten about those. I wonder why it changed.

Addit: Dr Google says it started in the war to stop light escaping upwards. Continued after the war , to prevent glare. Now not needed............ Oh hell yes it is 🤣
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Fog lights, not dipping lights, and DRLs where drivers do no understand it means they have no tail lights on. I came up the motorway yesterday in belting rain, with standing water and ridiculous amounts of spray. So many idiots happily zooming along thinking they had lights on.
All good here. Still in 'civilisation' so weather not so bad.

Indeed and good point about the rear lights not being on

Another thing I thought of is getting glare in ur rear view mirror , on some occasions vehicle behind put on there light bar , Jesus wept I thought a ufo was coming down with the amount of light inside my vehicle

Reminds me I did get a D2 rear view mirror that automatically dips , has the compass in the corner , yeh I know, lol just need to get the mount changed by a windscreen company

Good all is well and u saying about bad weather always reminds me seeing some RRS speeding down the outside lane in the snow , assume they think because they have 4 x wheel drive they won’t skid out and crash
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If you can all remember 15/20 years ago, if someone had their front fogs on they would get flashed by everyone, now if people have their front fogs on, nobody and I mean nobody flashes them anymore or seems to notice.
Wow, so much said and the OP seems to have shied away from the thread 🤔.

Lots of opinions. even some personal insults coming out:rolleyes:.
Our L322 has the lights it came out of the factory (alright the headlight bulbs have been replaced but standard). Don't have any issue with the light output on dip or main.
We have ours set for DLR (its law here to have lights on during the day) it saves us getting a fine if we forget to turn them on. but ours are front and back, switched on with diagnostics.
We also drive with auto dip/main, never been flashed for being late on the dip.

Now the F---you lights peeps keep talking about, if they are not legal then they should be caught and failed at MOT stage. That would probably take care of a big chunk of the problem.

I have found that as we get older we drive less at night, but I actually enjoy driving at night. oncoming vehicle's can be seen before they are seen, so you can prepare. I only occasionally suffer with the "blindness" its a pain but its a split second and as long as you have seen the road ahead in advance I don't have an issue.

Now the lights on the Defender are good enough to light the road ahead for 50-60mph maybe;), it don't go much faster so they are fine:D. But I have the aid of F---you lights on the front too if needed, which are nice sometimes.

Arguing about what the manufactures are allowed to do, so do, is futile. Fighting illegal lighting should happen and should be done.
But then teaching people how and when to use certain lights is difficult enough as it is, it seems:rolleyes:.

Bottom line is I find standard lights in the L322 are adequate for use, if they are not then there are/maybe a few reasons.
They are not working correctly.
You are driving too fast for conditions.
There's something wrong with you.

There my 2p worth:p.

Why do we need auto lights? if you can't remember or know when to switch your lights on, you shouldn't be driving.
It's for the same reason we need reversing cameras 🤣
I will add I miss adjusting my rearview mirror myself. 😔 There was an art form in getting the position of the mirror just right, so that no glare at all hit your eyes when you flicked that little stalk/button. The movement itself was almost a one finger salute to the twonk behind who hadn't dipped their lights 😄
I will quote although being on ignore will get no reply, but here goes.

I will add I miss adjusting my rearview mirror myself. 😔
You adjust your mirrors for you, the car remembers it’s you, clever isn’t it?
It's for the same reason we need reversing cameras 🤣

Believe it or not, a passenger noted I used my wing mirrors more than the camera. But I will say that it is very handy sometimes to see round corners when backing out of parking spaces.

Use Modern tech right and it’s great ;).

Whilst the 'usual suspects' are looking for the ladder to get upon their 'high horse', it's worth pointing out that the specifications of 70W input, 8600 Lumens output, is per pair, because, when do you intentionally use just one headlamp on a car? so falls within the admittedly archaic C&U limits.
no pic ?

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