
New Member
Good day to everyone in landyzone.

It has come to that time when hearts break.

The RR is up for sale.

After owning such a wonderful vehicle, it's time to let go.

Providing you guy's let me, I shall still be here on the forum to give advice and guidance to whoever I can. Or maybe just take the **** out of the umpteen questions about EAS, tyres and such like.

It has been a pleasure reading all your comments and remarks. Such a world of knowledge from so many kind hearted people. There is no other forum like landyzone. You guy's are the best!

Many thanks to all.

Sorry to hear your Rangey is for sale...

Stick around, give the benefit of your knowledge and **** take to your hearts content!

What finally made the decision??
dave don't do it . im sure most will agree once you have owned a rr in any form from a classic to a 405 they are in your blood and you WILL want another:D you will be back m8. ps keep in touch buddy you know where I am
Sorry to hear your Rangey is for sale...

Stick around, give the benefit of your knowledge and **** take to your hearts content!

What finally made the decision??

It's a number of different things Ant.

College payments, childcare costs, things like that. And with only me working at the moment, it's a bit tight.

Don't get me wrong, I love the car. I love the way it drives, and I love driving it. But needs are needs.

But i will have another. Once the wife can find a job, and not for the want of applying for over 100 so far, we'll be having a newer version.

And yes, I'll keep my subscription payments to keep such a good forum in funds. As well as the **** take of the non searchers :):):)
It's a number of different things Ant.

College payments, childcare costs, things like that. And with only me working at the moment, it's a bit tight.

Don't get me wrong, I love the car. I love the way it drives, and I love driving it. But needs are needs.

But i will have another. Once the wife can find a job, and not for the want of applying for over 100 so far, we'll be having a newer version.

And yes, I'll keep my subscription payments to keep such a good forum in funds. As well as the **** take of the non searchers :):):)
Details what you're selling?
Things must be really tight, a p38 is worth the best part of buggerall, almost better just to lay it up until things improve if the car is good. Bonne Chance.
It's a number of different things Ant.

College payments, childcare costs, things like that. And with only me working at the moment, it's a bit tight.

Don't get me wrong, I love the car. I love the way it drives, and I love driving it. But needs are needs.

But i will have another. Once the wife can find a job, and not for the want of applying for over 100 so far, we'll be having a newer version.

And yes, I'll keep my subscription payments to keep such a good forum in funds. As well as the **** take of the non searchers :):):)
I know that situation Dave, my girlfriend was out of work in 2009 for the best part of a year...we struggled and saved, to the point I was nicking biscuits from the tin at work and bringing them home for dinner - I kid you not. We ate cold baked beans cos we couldn't afford the leccy to run the cooker...

I feel for you buddy, I wish you all success for the future and fingers crossed things will pick up.
Things must be really tight, a p38 is worth the best part of buggerall, almost better just to lay it up until things improve if the car is good. Bonne Chance.
As mentioned above, Anna was out of work, went to the Job Centre to discuss these things...they were less then helpful, and she was told she wasn't eligible for benefits or assistance with council tax or anything else - even though she had been in full time employment since 17 (and she was 32 when she was trying to claim) so for 14 years she had paid into the system and now she needed a bit of a helping hand, she got feck all apart from the £63 job seekers allowance....

She got no help from the Job Centre, they couldn't really be bothered to find her a job, only to fill out the paperwork that she had been to visit every two weeks...

In the end she found her new employment by herself in a local newspaper advert, she took it into the Job Centre and told them she wanted to apply for it and why they hadn't found it considering it was for a government agency (the Forestry Commission) they just shrugged again....

She applied, she beat over 200 other applicants to win the position and she spent a very happy 2 years there until the new coalition government started pulling funds from various departments and she was made redundant when they pulled funding and closed the research station she was working in. Luckily all this was announced in advance and she was able to find a new position with another company and she is happily settled there now.....

So it seems the illegals get everything - house, money, food, jobs, cars etc and the ones who have paid their stamps and taxes get shafted....

It was a dark time for the both of us, but we made it through to the other side....

Only advice I can give is to phone up the companies you owe money to and bills to and explain the situation to them in advance of not being able to pay them...they will be more sympathetic to you, as I found out, if you tell them in advance rather than waiting till they have to chase you for it...many of them put us onto a deferred payment plan, and we managed to negotiate a payment break with our mortgage for 6 months even though we never had that facility when we took it out....

Most places are very adept in helping you out aslong as you tell them and not try and hide from them....

And if they do get arsey about the end of the day what can they do other than demand money from you that you haven't got and take you to court to which you can prove to the judge/magistrate you have no money or asset and you have made every effort to contact the company to explain your situation....what are they gonna do - they can't hang you...!

Every cloud and all that buddy!
Exactly Ant!

After being out of the country for 6 years, yhey told me I have no habitual residency in my own country!

Luckily I don't have to worry about creditors at the moment, all bills are just about met.

But thanks for the advice :)

I know things will be better soon and ill be able to get a later model :)
After been out of work since november, i 2 weeks ago got a job at a previous employer
Just kept in touch with the lads that still work there
Job center were worse than useless kept trying to get me to apply for agency work even though they knew the job was only for a week or two! Then spend another 2 weeks redoing all the forms before i got any sort of payment!
Maby If i was idon wanawork from poland i might have got more help!!
After been out of work since november, i 2 weeks ago got a job at a previous employer
Just kept in touch with the lads that still work there
Job center were worse than useless kept trying to get me to apply for agency work even though they knew the job was only for a week or two! Then spend another 2 weeks redoing all the forms before i got any sort of payment!
Maby If i was idon wanawork from poland i might have got more help!!
All the Poles I've met wanna work, preferably on the black:rolleyes:
As mentioned above, Anna was out of work, went to the Job Centre to discuss these things...they were less then helpful, and she was told she wasn't eligible for benefits or assistance with council tax or anything else - even though she had been in full time employment since 17 (and she was 32 when she was trying to claim) so for 14 years she had paid into the system and now she needed a bit of a helping hand, she got feck all apart from the £63 job seekers allowance....


I've had some of that, 6 months out of work when the firm I worked for went bust, eventually gave up looking and started up my own business, they could close the job centres and next to no one would notice.
They are blathering on about the NHS and medical tourists at the moment, goverment instruction is that no one should be refused treatment, unless like me you have 44 years contributions and have lived outside the UK for more than 6 months in which case there is no NHS treatment. I have it in writing from the NHS that I do not qualify until I have been resident for 6 months. Told them I would bin my pasport and claim asylum if needs be:mad:

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