Why would anyone throw money at a dead donkey..

I don't know, but, for that matter, why would anyone throw money at an alive donkey? I don't think its going to achieve a lot really is it?!!

Yeah true, but at the same time the defender replacement must conform to pedestrian safety standards, meaning it can't have a nice beg metal nudging bumper, nor a flat edge for a cuppa.

Which leads me to say.. whats the ****ing point?!!

If a pedestrian steps out in front of a Depender then the result is down to Darwin if you ask me.

Exactly...what is the point if it takes them 4 years to come up with something that looks like a kia/yeti afterbirth :doh:
might as well buy that 4wd Yeti now and put the rest of the cash saved into a nice long holiday :).
I'd rather they simply stopped making the Defender than built anything remotely like that in its name. "****" doesn't even begin to do it justice!

I know it's only a concept at this stage, but how could they get a concept so wrong?!
How is that going to serve farmers/utilities/other pratical people :s Its going to end up in a scrap yard if someone even dents it :/
I reckon the price of proper defenders will go up on the back of this ugly useless looking ****e wagon. If they stop making the 90s and 110s market forces for people who want a real Landrover has got to go up, or you may as well start buying Japanese at least you get the reliability and looking at the wheels and slippery panels it don't look as if being buried up to its knees in mud is part of Landrovers thoughts for it anyway.
Landrover have a page on Face arse, dunno if it's totally pukka, however on the off chance that it is, especially seeing as they are inviting comment on the "new Defender"
I would encourage one and all to tell em wot ya think :(
Rubbish the majority of people buying new landrovers today wouldn't dream of buying a defender.

What makes you even think such ****e man!?
Landrover has been made on the defender brand! There wouldn't even be a range-rover if it wasn't for the defender!
Ok this is what the Marxatrons at the BBC say on that link:

"""Land Rover insists its next Defender will be a rugged workhorse, having ruled out moving it upmarket as a luxurious car that simply looks butch on the outside," says BBC business reporter Jorn Madslien.

"But competing in the market for working vehicles will be a major challenge."

Land Rover can no longer rely on military contracts, so more promising markets might be in emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, where working vehicle sales are booming in parallel with rapid economic growth that is predicted to continue for decades yet.

"To succeed in these markets, a new Defender will need to be able to compete on both price and quality," says our reporter.

"It will need to be both cheaper - so the cost of production will need to come down - and better, in terms of both capabilities and fuel economy."""

So they basically completely contradict themselves.
It's going to be cheaper? Better capabilitys?
Mark my words our defenders are going to be the last of their line. We need to keep them going, luckily that's not too difficult :)
Time to setup a company building utility based vehicles modelled on (but not the same as) Defenders i think.

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