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the content of this thread is doing nothing to increase Jays chances of getting his money back - shirly that's the best peeps here can hope for - the MOT situation is another matter

lock it !
now children its time for bed, and remeber if your not good boys n girls santa will only leave you a ****ed P38 with a dodgy mot for christmas !!!!!!!
I can't find the exact post but didn't the car fail it's MOT on dodgy brake pipes, only to pass a few hours later with appear to be the same brake pipes?

If so then that in itself means the testers certificate should be revoked!

Geez Uzzz!

The RR did NOT fail on brake pipes!!!


The pipes PASSED but were ADVISED as a potential needing attention sometime. That is the way the MOT works!

I seem to remember it was failed because a driveshaft gaiter was loose.
How long does it take to fit a clip on a gaiter? Ten minutes?

And that doesn't matter in the case in hand anyway!

Jay needs look no further than the DEALER WHO SOLD IT.

Everything leading up to then is IRRELEVANT!

Shall I say it again ?

YES or NO, was that car fit for purpose when the dealer sold it?

If the answer is NO, then James goes for the dealer, and the dealer ONLY.

NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. When will this message sink in?

now children its time for bed, and remeber if your not good boys n girls santa will only leave you a ****ed P38 with a dodgy mot for christmas !!!!!!!

oh LOL - night night all.
I want to stop looking at this thread, but i just can't help myself!
Jay, my last post on the matter in question.
Forget about the MOT, as I said earlier was or was not the vehicle inspected by the dealer as advertised, either way you have him by the balls.

Go squeeze them hard and don't be dicked around by his solicitor and his delaying tactics, issue a court summons.
You have given the dealer every opportunity to do the right thing, he is obligated legally and morally (although I doubt he has any morals) to put this right,MAKE HIM DO IT!
Geez Uzzz!

The RR did NOT fail on brake pipes!!!


The pipes PASSED but were ADVISED as a potential needing attention sometime. That is the way the MOT works!

I seem to remember it was failed because a driveshaft gaiter was loose.
How long does it take to fit a clip on a gaiter? Ten minutes?

And that doesn't matter in the case in hand anyway!

Jay needs look no further than the DEALER WHO SOLD IT.

Everything leading up to then is IRRELEVANT!

Shall I say it again ?

YES or NO, was that car fit for purpose when the dealer sold it?

If the answer is NO, then James goes for the dealer, and the dealer ONLY.

NOTHING ELSE MATTERS. When will this message sink in?


No but bloody should have. Would you have passed it like that. You know sod all about the MOT test or cars in general that much is obvious. Would YOU drive a vehicle on the road with brake pipes in that condition. Take a powder for god sake you talk utter crap.
No but bloody should have. Would you have passed it like that. You know sod all about the MOT test or cars in general that much is obvious. Would YOU drive a vehicle on the road with brake pipes in that condition. Take a powder for god sake you talk utter crap.

I see, you, from 400 miles away (or whatever) and six months later, know more about the condition of those pipes last July than a qualified MoT Tester looking at them from six inches on the day of the test?

Wow ... you must be smart.

There are quite a few LandyZoners won't agree with you when you say I "know sod all about the MOT test or cars in general".

I owned and ran a substantial garage business for quite a while, and commanded a transport squadron in the army. What about you?

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:doh::doh::doh:GIVE IT A REST NOW, ITS VERY BORING:doh::doh::doh:

Nothing would please me more, except perhaps to hear that Jay has slapped a writ on the trader, and later that he's got rid of the car, and his money back.

Perhaps we all ought to stop posting until we hear from Jay next as he has probably received all the advice that he needs ?
this is getting to be SPAM :mad:

Fact of the matter is that the gripe goes back to dealer as

1) Not fit for purpose
2) Not of Satisfactory Quality
3) Key facts misrepresented-Void contract
4) Should be able to reject vehicle for full refund

Consumer Direct is free legal advice and also connected to trading standards.

MOT is a side issue that has been reported-VOSA TO DECIDE NOT A FORUM WITCH HUNT

This thread has turned into a ****ing circus, I'd suggest those not directly involved or want to post a diarrhoea spam opinion

Shut the **** up
I see, you, from 400 miles away (or whatever) and six months later, know more about the condition of those pipes last July than a qualified MoT Tester looking at them from six inches on the day of the test?

Wow ... you must be smart.

There are quite a few LandyZoners won't agree with you when you say I "know sod all about the MOT test or cars in general".

I owned and ran a substantial garage business for quite a while, and commanded a transport squadron in the army. What about you?


Now listen up knob head. Your primary reason for being involved in this thread is to protect your mate. All very well and good but you know nothing about vehicles or MOT tests. The brake pipe in the photo is an instant fail. Listen carefully INSTANT FAIL. There is no way that was not in the same condition at time of test. It has been like that for many, many months. That does not happen over night or over three months. The vehicle should never have passed a test in that condition. And before you go on about what could have happened to it over three months or the hundred miles it has done since test. Yes things could have happened it could have been on a trans Iceland safari. But it has not. We all want Jay to get his money back the car is a scrap heap. But it is sat on his drive because it was given an MOT it should never have had. Not without serious work being carried out. You can throw all the comments you want and come up with all the little jibes you want, it does not alter the fact that your mate or at least one of his workers ( i have his name) passed a car that should not have been passed. When you have done a few MOTs or been in the motor trade for 50 years come and talk to me, until that time your word is worth jack ****. Your mate has escaped having his station franchise taken off him by the skin of his teeth. I hope he sacked the dickhead that passed the car. Alan Mills might be a good bloke, he may know his stuff. One of his workers has dropped him in the ****. Ok he has to try and defend his self but i know what went on and so does he. If i was him the lad who passed the car would now be on the dole simple as that.
Now listen up knob head. Your primary reason for being involved in this thread is to protect your mate. All very well and good but you know nothing about vehicles or MOT tests. The brake pipe in the photo is an instant fail. Listen carefully INSTANT FAIL. There is no way that was not in the same condition at time of test. It has been like that for many, many months. That does not happen over night or over three months. The vehicle should never have passed a test in that condition. And before you go on about what could have happened to it over three months or the hundred miles it has done since test. Yes things could have happened it could have been on a trans Iceland safari. But it has not. We all want Jay to get his money back the car is a scrap heap. But it is sat on his drive because it was given an MOT it should never have had. Not without serious work being carried out. You can throw all the comments you want and come up with all the little jibes you want, it does not alter the fact that your mate or at least one of his workers ( i have his name) passed a car that should not have been passed. When you have done a few MOTs or been in the motor trade for 50 years come and talk to me, until that time your word is worth jack ****. Your mate has escaped having his station franchise taken off him by the skin of his teeth. I hope he sacked the dickhead that passed the car. Alan Mills might be a good bloke, he may know his stuff. One of his workers has dropped him in the ****. Ok he has to try and defend his self but i know what went on and so does he. If i was him the lad who passed the car would now be on the dole simple as that.

Dear Me.
Wammers has thown his dummy out of his pram again.
Keep it up Wammers, you are doing more than anyone could to let the LandyZoners see the real you.
Best Wishes,
I see, you, from 400 miles away (or whatever) and six months later, know more about the condition of those pipes last July than a qualified MoT Tester looking at them from six inches on the day of the test?

Wow ... you must be smart.

There are quite a few LandyZoners won't agree with you when you say I "know sod all about the MOT test or cars in general".

I owned and ran a substantial garage business for quite a while, and commanded a transport squadron in the army. What about you?


God help us if there are planks like you involved in Afganistan. How many Mots have you done? If the answer is any, judging by your description of how brakes are tested. Then again god help us.
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