I would be surprised if a lot could not be adapted from what is available on other vehicles, Did you investigate what the platform was that the evoque is built on? You may find some crossover on what can be used form other vehicles.

This is the freelander company. May be worth calling to have a chat.

cheers mate, certainly a start
I dont mind it, just hard work trying to do anything to an evoque because nobody else really has tried, from what i can tell, its taken me 4 years to get to the point to just buy it, ready to crack on now ;)

I understand you maybe young and have worked hard to get what you have, But...... sorry
If you wanted what you are now describing then there are better LRs to start as a base, it would have been easy in your price range;)

Or are Ejokes really that cheap already?

I understand you maybe young and have worked hard to get what you have, But...... sorry
If you wanted what you are now describing then there are better LRs to start as a base, it would have been easy in your price range;)

Or are Ejokes really that cheap already?

Whats your problem with evoques? its a pretty decent car, and since im not offroading an awful lot more than a little farm track its a good choice...?
This is all just about giving it a better look for me?
Yeah i only had one response so far and it was from the people at kahn, offering to make the parts from scratch and stuff, only charging about £30000 for the stuff ;)

One of the reasons why many people prefer older LRs is because they were designed to be modified to fit them for different roles. However, for what were no doubt very sensible market reasons, LR moved away from flexible, utility vehicles and increasing focused on luxury SUVs. These are really built for a more profitable, but much more narrow market and do not have an inherent modification path.

You also have to recognise that more modern SUVs like the Evoque are still relatively expensive things to own (congrats at owning one at 19 BTW), and not many owners are yet ready to take an angle grinder to one. I'm sure as the price comes down and more people are looking to follow your lead, that an aftermarket range of modification parts will develop. But right now I don't think that the market is there yet.

Ignore the banter, or even better give as good as you get. People on here will give you grief for owning a LR they don't approve of - though nothing compared to how they would treat someone admitting to owning a Jeep, or worse still appearing rude or bad mannered - but if you have a real problem, there will always be someone here to help.
One of the reasons why many people prefer older LRs is because they were designed to be modified to fit them for different roles. However, for what were no doubt very sensible market reasons, LR moved away from flexible, utility vehicles and increasing focused on luxury SUVs. These are really built for a more profitable, but much more narrow market and do not have an inherent modification path.

You also have to recognise that more modern SUVs like the Evoque are still relatively expensive things to own (congrats at owning one at 19 BTW), and not many owners are yet ready to take an angle grinder to one. I'm sure as the price comes down and more people are looking to follow your lead, that an aftermarket range of modification parts will develop. But right now I don't think that the market is there yet.

Ignore the banter, or even better give as good as you get. People on here will give you grief for owning a LR they don't approve of - though nothing compared to how they would treat someone admitting to owning a Jeep, or worse still appearing rude or bad mannered - but if you have a real problem, there will always be someone here to help.

Cheers big man, and believe me, I dont know if im quite ready to take an angle grinder too it ;)
My dad always told me...'Son, never take the micky out of someone else's car, they have worked hard for it just as you have'....

But this is my argument with the Evoque, the point of Range Rover is to be the flagship of the Land Rover brand...but all they have done is cheapen the product to allow it to be more owned by 'the masses' but that goes against the whole point of what Range Rover was all about in the first place, it wasn't meant to be cheap, it wasn't meant to be for everyone....it was meant to be something you aspired to, something to dream about.....making them cheap ruins and cheapens the brand.

NOW: Evoques as a Land Rover product are very good, good little SUV's, a great money maker for JLR as they should be.....but a Range Rover they are not, a Land Rover yes, worthy of the Green Oval, yes....a Range Rover...No.

A chap I knew got an Ejoke as a company car....I derided him for it of course, but he says....what does it matter - if I go into a pub and put my keys on the bar, it says Range Rover on them, and that is all other people care about....I drive a Range Rover.....I told him he didn't and that is the whole problem with the Ejoke....people bought them so they could tell others 'Hey, I own a Range Rover' people naturally assume it is a £120k monster (you know the proper ones) but they own a 2WD £35k little pop-pop...and that is the issue with the Ejoke...it is a Wannabe car...

Great Land Rovers sure...a Range Rover...No.
This is one of them there should have bought a Freelander freds.

Ignore the p*ss takers. My Freelander has been oft roading more times than they have collectively thought about going oft road in their heaps. They never go oft road anyway. Obviously no trust in their vehicles ability, and their driving is cr*p.

Peeps with big rusty range rovers dislike evoques as they're too embarrassed to admit they like them. It's a pocket range rover just like a Freelander, at a fraction of the cost.

A 19 year olds insurance will go up if you lift it or start fitting mods. Things like light bars look naff anyway. I personally would never lift a vehicle with independent suspension. It's not really suited to it. Peeps may manufacture kit to do it but it won't be type approved for use.

Don't waste yer money on mods. Keep it for repairs and servicing.
My dad always told me...'Son, never take the micky out of someone else's car, they have worked hard for it just as you have'....

But this is my argument with the Evoque, the point of Range Rover is to be the flagship of the Land Rover brand...but all they have done is cheapen the product to allow it to be more owned by 'the masses' but that goes against the whole point of what Range Rover was all about in the first place, it wasn't meant to be cheap, it wasn't meant to be for everyone....it was meant to be something you aspired to, something to dream about.....making them cheap ruins and cheapens the brand.

NOW: Evoques as a Land Rover product are very good, good little SUV's, a great money maker for JLR as they should be.....but a Range Rover they are not, a Land Rover yes, worthy of the Green Oval, yes....a Range Rover...No.

A chap I knew got an Ejoke as a company car....I derided him for it of course, but he says....what does it matter - if I go into a pub and put my keys on the bar, it says Range Rover on them, and that is all other people care about....I drive a Range Rover.....I told him he didn't and that is the whole problem with the Ejoke....people bought them so they could tell others 'Hey, I own a Range Rover' people naturally assume it is a £120k monster (you know the proper ones) but they own a 2WD £35k little pop-pop...and that is the issue with the Ejoke...it is a Wannabe car...

Great Land Rovers sure...a Range Rover...No.
I mean no offence when i say this, but utter crap that mate, ahahahaha for me that attitude is just completely off, the evoque and ill admit i may be slightly biased, is exactly what the brand needed, yes its on the cheaper end of the spectrum, but getting young people to be able to buy these cars, which believe me isnt cheap for the average 19/20 year old is only going to strengthen the brand, and keep it going for longer. As for your point about Range Rover being the 'flagship' the only people you see driving the biggest and most expensive range's is the massively wealthy, or them people that get paid way to much to kick a ball about. Its not what i ever aspired to get.

Anyway everyones got their own opinion.
The problem with the Evoque is Land Rover
Nothing wrong with the evoque in its own right, but it's not a range rover, it's not a discovery, it's an evoque
Just my 2c
£120k monster (you know the proper ones)

Yeah but did you ever buy at retail one of those £120K monsters? I know I have an L322 which was 80K+ brand new , But I did not and never would have paid that for it.

As it is I expect he probably paid more or at least a very similar price for his evoque
as I did for my FFRR.

The problem with the Evoque is Land Rover
Nothing wrong with the evoque in its own right, but it's not a range rover, it's not a discovery, it's an evoque
Just my 2c
It should have been badged as a baby Disco, then all the RR snobs would have been happy.LOL

I mean no offence when i say this, but utter crap that mate, ahahahaha for me that attitude is just completely off, the evoque and ill admit i may be slightly biased, is exactly what the brand needed, yes its on the cheaper end of the spectrum, but getting young people to be able to buy these cars, which believe me isnt cheap for the average 19/20 year old is only going to strengthen the brand, and keep it going for longer. As for your point about Range Rover being the 'flagship' the only people you see driving the biggest and most expensive range's is the massively wealthy, or them people that get paid way to much to kick a ball about. Its not what i ever aspired to get.

Quick learner, I like him. :D
I mean no offence when i say this, but utter crap that mate, ahahahaha for me that attitude is just completely off, the evoque and ill admit i may be slightly biased, is exactly what the brand needed, yes its on the cheaper end of the spectrum, but getting young people to be able to buy these cars, which believe me isnt cheap for the average 19/20 year old is only going to strengthen the brand, and keep it going for longer. As for your point about Range Rover being the 'flagship' the only people you see driving the biggest and most expensive range's is the massively wealthy, or them people that get paid way to much to kick a ball about. Its not what i ever aspired to get.

Anyway everyones got their own opinion.
I think you may have misundersood my point - it is a great little Land Rover, it is exactly what JLR need and it is a great little earner for them...I have no issue with the Ejoke being a Land Rover, or even existing, I question it being part of the Range Rover stable for sure.....

But as a Car it is a great addition to the Green Oval fleet....it just isn't a Range Rover...as being cheap and available is not what the whole point of Range Rover is about.

I admire you working hard to be able to get your car, just as you should be proud of yourself too for doing it - many skive and money grab off the tax payers to get their gold chains, 12 cans of Stella a day, 40 fags and an 1/8th of weed....without ever lifting a finger to earn it....so fair play and as my dad says, you have worked heard for your car as I have for mine....but as far as my opinon is, the Evoque is not a Range Rover.
Yeah but did you ever buy at retail one of those £120K monsters? I know I have an L322 which was 80K+ brand new , But I did not and never would have paid that for it.

As it is I expect he probably paid more or at least a very similar price for his evoque
as I did for my FFRR.

Oh blimey no - similar to yourself, I didn't pay that for mine, nor would I.....

My point is not about 'my car is more expensive than yours' it is about the Range Rover brand is being brought down from its flagship status by making cheaper models under its name....the Evoque, the Velar and Sport are all great cars...and worthy of the Green Oval...but it is not what the whole point of Range Rover was about - originally.....

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