Hi peeps. As the thread says I’m looking for some help in locating some parts.
I have been struggling with the dreaded water leak in the rear tool compartment.

I have a 2001 Freelander 1 1.8k series 5d

Hippo has water leaking in from the top under the upper finisher all through the rear headliner. I have taken the taildoor glass side finishers and taildoor glass upper finisher off. This then exposed an horrendously rusted and battered metal retaining bracket. Subsequently this has broken the upper plastic finisher.

I now need to replace the upper tail door glass finisher and the metal retaining bracket.

Please does anyone know where I can get these from.

Oh it’s happening alright, might just get a pump and some fish make a feature out the dam thing. If @Hippo could help that would be great
I'm sure he'll be along soon. good thing about the Defender is that water running in holes higher up runs out of the holes lower down. No chance of getting the water deep enough for fish :D
OP's Freelander is taking in water. He's considering keeping fish in it.
I would advise putting fresh water in and an air pump. Also some gravel and plants.

Never come across one where it rusted the inside of the roof.
I would advise putting fresh water in and an air pump. Also some gravel and plants.

Never come across one where it rusted the inside of the roof.

Hi hippo, it’s rusted the metal bracket that sits under the top trim. Found the bits on John craddock. £200 + so might try to find some second hand bits.


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