chris freestone

Active Member
Hey there guys ive been havin trouble with my brakes for a while now.... So over the last couple of months i have replaced the front brake caliperd and brake pads and on the rear drums have replaced cylinders and pads after doin this all worked great besides the fact had to pump the pedal to get it hard and even when hard if you keep your foot on it it slowly goes down anyway.... So after this i replaced the master brake cylinder and now aft even afterbleedin g the sytem the pedal is spongy as hell and jus goes straight to the bottom wht have i done wrong? Need to get this sorted asap because mot is due !! Tjanks guys
Clamp off the flex lines and figure out where you air/leaks are. Clamp all 3 (gently - use mole grips or the like) and that should give a hard, high pedal. unclamp them one at a time and when the pedal travel goes to hell you know where the problem is.

Clamping the lines like this is also a good way to bleed a difficult corner or the infamous 109 front brakes with the bleeder on the bottom.

Having done this a couple of times on mine, I can attest to the amount of air that can hide in a Defender's brake pipes. Do not despair. Allow to settle and bleed some more through. Then let it settle overnight and bleed it the following day. I used one of those pressure bleeders that you screw onto the reservoir. Otherwise it would have taken forever just by someone pumping the pedal and someone else opening and closing the bleed nipples. If it's not obviously leaking, the likelihood is that it is air somewhere.
Hey there guys ive been havin trouble with my brakes for a while now.... So over the last couple of months i have replaced the front brake caliperd and brake pads and on the rear drums have replaced cylinders and pads after doin this all worked great besides the fact had to pump the pedal to get it hard and even when hard if you keep your foot on it it slowly goes down anyway.... So after this i replaced the master brake cylinder and now aft even afterbleedin g the sytem the pedal is spongy as hell and jus goes straight to the bottom wht have i done wrong? Need to get this sorted asap because mot is due !! Tjanks guys

Have you put the springs back in right on the drum ???? spring goes to pin on drum and one pad not to both pads !!!!
I've done this before changed my pads all round then couldn't get a firm pedal, went on to change the wheel cylinders, master and new lines 5l of break fluid trying to bleed over 3 days and I'd put the spring back wrong :eek:

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