Hey everyone i need some help with a 1989 defender. I'm wanting it as my first car, but theres a few problems with the engine (body and chassis seem fine). The engine is covered in oil, and when we started the car if was pumping out a very lot of smoke from the exhaust. My friend whos a mechanic says its burning oil, and he thinks it could be the turbo.

What do you guys think? and does anyone know where i can get a new turbo, its the 2.5TD.

clean as much oil off as possible (gunk and a pressure washer are great at this) then run the engine and see if you can spot where the oil is coming from. Also while the engine is running take out the dipstick and place your hand over the dipstick tube. And check to see if any oil sprays out onto your hand. If it does this is caused by excess crankcase pressure usually a sign of worn piston rings.
yeah its a TD not tdi, i'll let my mechanic friend have a look at it and see if he can sort it out, he reckons it could be the turbo. otherwise i'll get looking for a 200tdi replacement.
The engine does start up and works ok, it just pumps out a hell of a lot of smoke so its never gonna pass the MOT.
oh and i noticed the usual air intake in the left hand side, but it also looked as though it was taking air from the bonnet on the left hand side too. is it normal for the 2.5TD to use both of those air intakes? and would it be ok to block it if i was doing some deep wading?
Did the smoke stop after a short while or did it carry on smoking. What colour was it?

What do you mean it was taking air from the bonnet, the only air intake is on the side of the wing in front of the passenger door, unless it's been altered. If you want to go wading you'll have to fit a snorkle.
If wading its probly best not to block any vents cos no water or AIR will get in but fit a snorkle or if on the cheap some hose pipe but make sure its sealed proper.Also ive found out the hard way you might want to protect other components when in deep water such as hand brake and starter motor.Ive just fooked both of mine.
i take it you mean you have a vent on your wing at the side and a vent at the top of the wing next to the bonnet?
i can't get a pic of mine atm put using this toy car i can show you what i mean

*see attachment*


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The wingtop one is the one that goes to the heater matrix And if the water is deep enough to go in there. then a wet heater is gonna be the least of your problems.
What pikey means is if you be that deep and you got a spare wheel on the back you gonna float off.if not you gonna drown.


The rain that goes in there can drain out the bottom i think.The cover for the heater vent is only held on with a couple of phillips screws.take it off and have a look if your not sure.
The heater vent does have a drain hole/pipe in the bottom. And i dnt think that the old TD's have an air intake on the side? Unless its a Tdi Wing. Just a thought.
Yeah I didn't think any of the 2.5TD's had the air intake there, I think its a modification on yours.

Just because a LR can do something doesn't always mean its good for it, WHY on earth do you NEED to go through water that deep?

If you go into water that deep basicly everything will get wet, you will get electrical problems, your axles will need extended breathers gearbox too. Then after you have done this the chances are that your axle oil and gearbox oil will all have water in them, if you LR is 1988 then the seals are not going to be what they used to be... the water will fill into your cab and all the relays etc will get wet, they will then start to stop working... If you do NEED to do this wading (i.e. you live at the end of a causeway and you always miss the tide) then you will need to do a LOT of prep work for this to be done.
The td air intake IS on the side, same side and place as the 200 (passenger side which is silly as that's where lorries you overtake are going to fill it up and where most of the roadside puddles you go through will fill it as well) and you can fit a snorkel there, although of course if the water is that deep for any length of time you'll need a wetsuit (and probably a new car!) The one on the top of the bonnet is the heater one and if it fills with water it will squirt it all into your passenger's lap! (although it does drain small amounts of water ie rainwatere, splashes etc)
its strange because some because some TDs have an air intake on the left like the 200tdi, yet some don't. I'm looking at a D reg now which is 2.5TD but has no air intake on the side. wheres the air intake?

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