Give the relays in the engine bay fuse box a wiggle and the see if you can hear the fuel pump work. You can also press the rubber covered inertia switch which is attached to the bulkhead in the engine bay to make sure it hasn't tripped.
Where about is the covered switch roughly so I know what I'm looking for please
I now have black smoke coming out of the exhaust
In which case the fuel pump should be working. Can you hear it whirring now?

The inertia switch is bolted to the back of the engine bay between the turbo and abs block about 4-6 inches below the gutter level
I can't really hear much as lorries keep passing me lol and I don't know what the turbo and abs block looks like
Rear of the engine bay to the right hand side of the big black plastic cover that sits on the top of the engine. It will be a black plastic object with a black rubber cap and 2 wires coming out of the bottom of it. Push on the black rubber cap and see if it goes click
Rear of the engine bay to the right hand side of the big black plastic cover that sits on the top of the engine. It will be a black plastic object with a black rubber cap and 2 wires coming out of the bottom of it. Push on the black rubber cap and see if it goes click
Ok thanks I have done that it didn't go click
Ok thanks I have done that it didn't go click
Turn the ignition on so the dashboard lights come on. DO NOT TRY AND CRANK THE ENGINE OVER. lay under the vehicle and put your fingers on the fuel tank. Can you feel a vibration coming from it?
No no vibrations from it at all
Leave the ignition key exactly where it is and pump the accelerator to the floor and back up 5 times in a row. The engine management light should start flashing.

Re-check the tank for vibrations.

If there are none try hitting the bottom of the tank with the flat of your hand and the check for vibrations again.
Leave the ignition key exactly where it is and pump the accelerator to the floor and back up 5 times in a row. The engine management light should start flashing.

Re-check the tank for vibrations.

If there are none try hitting the bottom of the tank with the flat of your hand and the check for vibrations again.
Ok done that there was still vibrations coming from it
Wait for the management light to stop flashing (about 5 mins) deck the throttle pedal to the floor and crank it over. If it doesn't start within 20-30 seconds stop cranking.
While its cranking make sure the Rev counter rises to between 200 to 300 rpm
Wait for the management light to stop flashing (about 5 mins) deck the throttle pedal to the floor and crank it over. If it doesn't start within 20-30 seconds stop cranking.
Ok thanks I will let you know when I have done that should it solve the problem and I should be able to drive off ??
Let it tick over for 15 mins and make sure it's running smoothly before setting off. Don't forget to report back before moving too.

We're you towed to the services or fit it cut out in them?

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