
New Member
Hi Guys,

Got a problem with my 90. Yesterday as I pulled away from a petrol station my Battery Light lit up. So I initially thought great alternator belt needs fixing.

However it seems to be fine.

The light gets brighter the higher i rev. Could this be a sign that I need a new alternator? (My volt meter shows that it still produces a charge)

Any help on this matter would be appreciated.

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Rich :)
If your multimeter shows a good 13-14 volts and the lights lit up then the problem could be in the diodes on the alternator. Apparently on some alternators you can change them, I couldn't on mine so don't know any more than that. I think it was Miniman who said you can change them.
Be prepared for a flat battery. if the diodes have gone it will drain really fast. un plug the alternator before you go to bed. or if you have a battery master switch turn it off.
been there done that dont want another t shirt ta.
Cheers for the advice.

What I dont understand though is that on my volt meter it shows a good 15 -17 volts charge when running the engine.

I do have two batteries, but I will keep an eye on it.

I will probably have a tinker this weekend and see how i get on.

Will keep you informed when I find the solution.


Rich :confused:
Had the very problem on the wifes 110 it was an internal fault in the alternator, stuck a new one on job done
Ahh Isuzu engine...................Dunno about them but would still be suprised at that kind of voltage. I would expect 14 at the very most.
Charge voltage should be 14.5V at the very most, over 15 and I would worry about boiling your battery acid off, and possibly exploding the battery.

But as has been said, check the calibration on the voltmeter.
So any old how After me alternator bust I thought I dig out me owld alternator out an see if I could repair it.

Took it to an autoelectric place an he begrudgingly sold me a new diode pack for £25 diode pack.JPGwhich needs soldering on in place of the owld un.

Any how I've looked an looked an looked on the internething but can't find anyone else wot supplies them. It's got the numbers RTF4954 and W7-01 printed on it.

So if someone can find an alternative supplier you might all be able to repair your fooked Lucas alternators.
I think it is like this?


if so - it is available from here or here

If you dont want to get it from them - the first link gives lots more info.

hope it helps
love Nigel
An at a 17 quid is cheeperer than the one I got. Once again we are deeply indebted to Daft who should have due recognition as a super hero.
So I repaired me owld Lucas alternator an it's off like a good un, an I thought I'd have a look at the one I took off. It's an ISKRA made in Slovakia with the number "11.201.728" on it.

Any how it turns out the brush pack type thing has bust as well as the front ally mounting bracket, the brush pack has AER 1560 14V stamped in it, mounting bracket can be repaired but does anyone (MHMsuperhero) know if the brush packs are available? I've looked but can't find owt.
I found the fost un but cun't figure it out just a kin great list of numbers. Am off to anuffer auto electrician tommorrer, the one I got the alternator from, to see if they have them.
The battery light staying on and getting brighter means the alternator is over-charging the battery.
The MOST you should ever get out is 15volts. Anything above 15volts into a 12v battery will destroy it quickly.
New alternator time.

If the battery light is on but dims or goes out with revs then it is undercharging in some way. This might be a slipping belt or the alternator windings or connections failing. This will just result in a flat battery.
I found the fost un but cun't figure it out just a kin great list of numbers. Am off to anuffer auto electrician tommorrer, the one I got the alternator from, to see if they have them.
So any how I tried anuffer autoelectrician an the y could get em but wanted 25 bleedin quid fer it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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