can I humbly suggest, you grow the f k up.

you have your opinion, I have mine.

1. I responded to the OP with suggestions as his request.
2. you elected to be be passive/aggressive by being confrontational, when claiming not being confrontational.
3. I responded I gentlemanly way and added 'peace out' to show there was no ill feeling just difference of opinion
4. you claimed I said 'must have'. never said it. go back and read the thread
5. you responded to me having my own opinion by being derisory about my post.
6. I responded to your derisory post again asserting my position
7. you claimed I spat my dummy out, when I was not being like a good little cuck for you

you *chose* to respond to my post, giving the OP advice, not to the OP, you then resort to being rather petulant about me responding to your passive aggressiveness.

To be honest GR, you've behaved in a similar way to others on the site, and all it frankly does is make it a bad atmosphere and denigrates the forum, I've bowed out of threads before when you've done it, not wishing to get involved. All it does it lead people to go off and use other forums like or FFRR or LRUK.

I've made some good friends on this site, there are people on this site who I admire greatly, not only for their knowledge, but their tenacity and dedication in making their RR's what they want them to be, and they have helped me immensely as well as others and I hope I have not only helped but inspired others, in fact I know I have, I've had the responses saying so. But then again some of us are not blessed with a RR than never needs repairing and can take it to a garage no matter what it needs.

Now this *is* me spitting dummy out...

If you want to post and be constructive then fine, add to the forum. give constructive advice, but don't pontificate and be derisory with others when you don't share the same opinion. we take the pee out of each other and often eat humble pie, but don't, ever, get personal.

*Peace out*
can I humbly suggest, you grow the f k up.

you have your opinion, I have mine.

1. I responded to the OP with suggestions as his request.
2. you elected to be be passive/aggressive by being confrontational, when claiming not being confrontational.
3. I responded I gentlemanly way and added 'peace out' to show there was no ill feeling just difference of opinion
4. you claimed I said 'must have'. never said it. go back and read the thread
5. you responded to me having my own opinion by being derisory about my post.
6. I responded to your derisory post again asserting my position
7. you claimed I spat my dummy out, when I was not being like a good little cuck for you

you *chose* to respond to my post, giving the OP advice, not to the OP, you then resort to being rather petulant about me responding to your passive aggressiveness.

To be honest GR, you've behaved in a similar way to others on the site, and all it frankly does is make it a bad atmosphere and denigrates the forum, I've bowed out of threads before when you've done it, not wishing to get involved. All it does it lead people to go off and use other forums like or FFRR or LRUK.

I've made some good friends on this site, there are people on this site who I admire greatly, not only for their knowledge, but their tenacity and dedication in making their RR's what they want them to be, and they have helped me immensely as well as others and I hope I have not only helped but inspired others, in fact I know I have, I've had the responses saying so. But then again some of us are not blessed with a RR than never needs repairing and can take it to a garage no matter what it needs.

Now this *is* me spitting dummy out...

If you want to post and be constructive then fine, add to the forum. give constructive advice, but don't pontificate and be derisory with others when you don't share the same opinion. we take the pee out of each other and often eat humble pie, but don't, ever, get personal.

*Peace out*
If you're real lucky she'll put you on "ignore", like all the other people who don't bow to the "superior opinion", live in hope.
If skinning your knuckles on a cold day ......or popping to a food bank for your sunday dinner doesn't appeal to you a Land cruiser :rolleyes:

Like the old Aussie saying ''if you want to go into the bush buy a Land Rover, if you want to come back again buy a Landcruiser'' Having said that I'd be confident taking an old one, say pre. late 'eighties, into that situation but not anything later from LR.
I think the OP has either had a heart attack and is no longer with us or has gone Jap - and I don't mean galloping the lizard over Range Rover pics.
Like the old Aussie saying ''if you want to go into the bush buy a Land Rover, if you want to come back again buy a Landcruiser'' Having said that I'd be confident taking an old one, say pre. late 'eighties, into that situation but not anything later from LR.
Alan and I have a saying - if you want to go into the bush you are on the wrong team !
Or alternatively , if you want to go into the bush, buy a Landrover , if you don’t want to get caught trying to dispose of a body, by a land cruiser :)
Alan and I have a saying - if you want to go into the bush you are on the wrong team !
Or alternatively , if you want to go into the bush, buy a Landrover , if you don’t want to get caught trying to dispose of a body, by a land cruiser :)

That did make me laugh. ;D
Alan and I have a saying - if you want to go into the bush you are on the wrong team !
Or alternatively , if you want to go into the bush, buy a Landrover , if you don’t want to get caught trying to dispose of a body, by a land cruiser :)
Absolutely Mental:D....
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