
on my way to crosshands from Carmarthen when steering suddenly jammed after a minior correction, ended up with me swinging all over the place trying to correct and much locking of wheels ! vid below from dashcam applogies about music its radio music listen carfully and you hear the wheels lock ! also I pop the bonnet as I thaught maybe it was a steering uj seized

turns out the rear steering bar was bent and had caught on axle, was tight all the way ( slowly) home , has anyone experienced this? haven't been offroad for a week and no symptoms until this moment ! ?? I cant understand why it suddenly contacts the axle on the road ?

also below is a vid of the symptom on the way home ( second vid ) as you can see it steers the roundabout without me touching ( cam in hand)
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Things like that :eek: keep you on your toes listening for odd noises, squeaks and rattles etc.

If you have your tracking set to 'toe out' then both wheels are trying to go in their own direction (left going left right going right). As the track rod is behind the axle both the swivel arms will be trying to compress the track rod, you probably put a bit of a bend in it last off road session and the compressive force has made it bow further causing the wheels to toe out further. Toe in = stability, toe out = livelier handling.
Things like that :eek: keep you on your toes listening for odd noises, squeaks and rattles etc.

If you have your tracking set to 'toe out' then both wheels are trying to go in their own direction (left going left right going right). As the track rod is behind the axle both the swivel arms will be trying to compress the track rod, you probably put a bit of a bend in it last off road session and the compressive force has made it bow further causing the wheels to toe out further. Toe in = stability, toe out = livelier handling.

cheers :)
that is a very strong possibility now you have pointed it out, after bending the rod that would automatically set the toe out wouldn't it? and as you say then the problem gets worse particularly at higher speed?

anyone else got any thoughts or comments?
The other possibility is that the rod has rotated slightly allowing the bend to foul the diff in a way it wasn't before. Those little clamps at either end don't always grip it very tightly.
That was close, your brakes are good, I'd still be trying to stop now.

they may be strong but they wont stop you in a straight line lol usally it pulls like hell to the right but in this situation that helped

a landy going slightly sideways at 60-70 mph is interesting !

also thanks for your comments and yours brown that hadent occurred to me either ! think rather than bend it back ill replace it till I get sumo bars

any more comments appreciated :)
You've got dodgy steering and you drive onto a roundabout dash cam in hand taking your other hand off the wheel to change gear!? :eek::eek::eek::doh:
You've got dodgy steering and you drive onto a roundabout dash cam in hand taking your other hand off the wheel to change gear!? :eek::eek::eek::doh:

yeah that was to show what was wrong with the truck , if you look it goes moest of the way around without hands or knees on the wheel ! I have done the steering bar for now tempory but it still does it ( though its not as bad it was defo part of it ) perhaps a column UJ?

apologies for the lack of entertaining swearing ! would have made the video better but was too busy trying not to hit the barrier or roll my truck lol

anyone have any more suggestions on the cause of this? im thinking a column UJ???
Very interesting. Well handled in the first clip!

I'd remove the second vid if I were you. ;) "non-roadworthy vehicle, filming whilst driving." all that balls.....
Very interesting. Well handled in the first clip!

I'd remove the second vid if I were you. ;) "non-roadworthy vehicle, filming whilst driving." all that balls.....

cheers :) I cant deny that it was a shock !

the second vid was made on the way home its there incase anyone from here can identify the problem?
Jeez. Glad you got it straightened out OK and that you are living to tell the tale .. ;)
Bit of a brown trouser moment!! Think I would have left it there and walked home :D

What dash cam do you use mate. Looking for one at the moment and that looks great quality.

I can't resist responding to this, some in this thread have put it more delicately, which is clearly not getting through. You driving home after experiencing this issue was incredibly stupid and also illegal. If someone is dumb enough to go around a roundabout on a public road whilst filming with a major steering fault then I have no doubt you will likely go on to repeat this or other follies until you take someone else's life.

I am just astonished you thought this was firstly acceptable, and secondly so oblivious to the obvious response you would receive that you merrily record it and upload it to the internet.

You want comments and thoughts? I think you need to reflect on your actions and response to the issue you were presented with, you would currently be facing a serious amount of prison time had this gone differently.
I can't resist responding to this, some in this thread have put it more delicately, which is clearly not getting through. You driving home after experiencing this issue was incredibly stupid and also illegal. If someone is dumb enough to go around a roundabout on a public road whilst filming with a major steering fault then I have no doubt you will likely go on to repeat this or other follies until you take someone else's life.

I am just astonished you thought this was firstly acceptable, and secondly so oblivious to the obvious response you would receive that you merrily record it and upload it to the internet.

You want comments and thoughts? I think you need to reflect on your actions and response to the issue you were presented with, you would currently be facing a serious amount of prison time had this gone differently.

I think the word "overreaction " is usefull here

driving home slow and carefully, because seriously you have never driven with anything illegal have you? next time you drive with a blown bulb you may kill someone so rember your chosen comment , also the roundabout was empty and was at low speed , the video was made so I can have help identifying the problem,doing 10-20(ish) mph on an empty roundabout is not going to kill anyone nor is it driving home with 2 hands solidly on the wheel , nothing was falling off just a tight joint somewhere, the reason for the episode in the first vid is its the first time I had the problem , therefore not expecting it , your opinion is considered but honestly I am ignoring it , as I couldent give a toss what you think

good day
I think the word "overreaction " is usefull here

driving home slow and carefully, because seriously you have never driven with anything illegal have you? next time you drive with a blown bulb you may kill someone so rember your chosen comment , also the roundabout was empty and was at low speed , the video was made so I can have help identifying the problem,doing 10-20(ish) mph on an empty roundabout is not going to kill anyone nor is it driving home with 2 hands solidly on the wheel , nothing was falling off just a tight joint somewhere, the reason for the episode in the first vid is its the first time I had the problem , therefore not expecting it , your opinion is considered but honestly I am ignoring it , as I couldent give a toss what you think

good day

Did you really need to take a hand held video to identify the problem, when it was obvious that your steering was fcked? Much safer to diagnose such problems when the vehicle is recovered and stationary.
Isn't hindsight wonderful?

Nice to know that others know exactly what happened and how exactly to proceed according to rigorous Health and Safety procedures and following well thought through risk assessments of everything.

So he arguably did something wrong, FFS, do you think he needs people pointing out such errors when all he did is probably what 90% of people would do?

Do you think he might have been more thinking that he needed to get home and get it fixed than thinking it through properly? The guy had just had a very frightening experience, had resolved the immediate issue and had to get home .. which he's done with no injury or distress to anyone else ... Well done that man, stuff you lot of knee jerk reactionaries .. If you want to be so safe, why bother with a Landrover, why not buy a zorb ball or a Prius? In fact stay at home ..

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