take the second video off or some delightful people will report it.

other than that, hangings too good for you for this most heinous crime.. what if a baby just crawled out from under a bush and onto the road?!! you might not have been able to avoid it. disgusting..?*spit*
I agree second vid down. First one well handled, not sure many others would be so calm and able given the situation.
I think take the 2nd vid down too.

I appreciate you had a little scare and well done for keeping your cool and keeping it on the road.

I don't think i would have made a video of me holding the wheel with one hand though. :eek: Think about what happened when you had 2 hands on the wheel and how that could have ended with only one hand and half the concentration :(

up to you of course.
If you want to be so safe, why bother with a Landrover, why not buy a zorb ball or

what a cracking idea - bet it would be far far far more reliable than any landy... and possibly more fun on a P&P site... especially those ones that float and let you "walk on water"

**goes off to buy a zorb ball**
Isn't hindsight wonderful?

Nice to know that others know exactly what happened and how exactly to proceed according to rigorous Health and Safety procedures and following well thought through risk assessments of everything.

So he arguably did something wrong, FFS, do you think he needs people pointing out such errors when all he did is probably what 90% of people would do?

Do you think he might have been more thinking that he needed to get home and get it fixed than thinking it through properly? The guy had just had a very frightening experience, had resolved the immediate issue and had to get home .. which he's done with no injury or distress to anyone else ... Well done that man, stuff you lot of knee jerk reactionaries .. If you want to be so safe, why bother with a Landrover, why not buy a zorb ball or a Prius? In fact stay at home ..

thank you :) glad I am not the only one who thinks there has been an overreaction :)

totally agree there , so many people these days are do as I say not do as I do . they will slate you for doing something because they have never been my age ( 20) and have abided by every letter of the law :D

as a few of you have suggested the second video has now been removed from my original post , sensible suggestions work much better than someone ranting at you :D
i think a few of us will have done some crazy things back in the day and that wouldn't have even got a mention on the craziscale ;)
I've had that happen but not at high speed luckily, after greenlaning it had bent and wedged against the diff guard, driving along doing 30mph odd and felt a little wiggle pulled over before anything developed and seen the problem!!

I need to get a Hd arm if anyone on here has one for sale or have to fork out full wack lol.
LOL, at 20+ I was passenger in racing sidecars .. having been riding motorbikes and racing them since I was 4, I also drove cars from age about 8, offroad of course, an old Morris with no windows, doors or seats ... I've done 'stuff' ... safety and danger are mostly states of mind ... ;)

the pic is at Cadwell around 1984 ...

LOL, at 20+ I was passenger in racing sidecars .. having been riding motorbikes and racing them since I was 4, I also drove cars from age about 8, offroad of course, an old Morris with no windows, doors or seats ... I've done 'stuff' ... safety and danger are mostly states of mind ... ;)

the pic is at Cadwell around 1984 ...


i've always wondered. what was it like to live in a world without colour?

i imagine it must have been a bit dull
i've always wondered. what was it like to live in a world without colour?

i imagine it must have been a bit dull

So long ago I can barely remember .. You could only take a maximum of 36 pictures and had to send them off to be 'made into pictures' before you could see them .. and pay for them all too, whether they were good, bad, or indifferent!!!

Strange days ..
Actually, that was a day my mate decided to be 'arty' .. We all reckon what actually happened was that he forgot to pack colour film ...
So long ago I can barely remember .. You could only take a maximum of 36 pictures and had to send them off to be 'made into pictures' before you could see them .. and pay for them all too, whether they were good, bad, or indifferent!!!

Strange days ..

i was making a really bad joke implying the world was without colour back then, that's why the photos are b&w :eek:

i'm profoundly sorry :Cry:
Well, I'm old enough to remember what it was like in those days and much of it was pretty much grey looking. And a lot of the pictures taken with cameras in those days were out of focus, overexposed and often didn't even include what you thought you were pointing the camera at. It's easy to forget just how brightly coloured the world is in developed nations now, both on camera and in the old fashioned analogue version.
trust me I have done some daft things lol a young age and a thick head :D

its suprising however how much a small wobble can turn into a nightmare at 60+mph would have ended up like that electric board defender on here a few days ago lol

must admit that is something I wouldnet fancy is sidecar racing would scare the **** outa me ! rallying,bangers,offroading ect fine but bikes I don't get along with lol

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