What always surprises me about that @biggeeeee , is that it is not 100% viable, it does not let you play and do all the functions. which I think is a shame really, it could be a really useful tool if it also gave a "bubble" description of what was affected when you make a change to a setting.
Cause and effect is always a good way of learning something theoretically. Its all well and good showing what you can do, but knowing what actually happens when you make a change is always helpful, especially when you're new to using to using a device.
What always surprises me about that @biggeeeee , is that it is not 100% viable, it does not let you play and do all the functions. which I think is a shame really, it could be a really useful tool if it also gave a "bubble" description of what was affected when you make a change to a setting.

Agreed but it's better than nothing I suppose
As @brian47 said,

Plus it is worth having a hunt around to see if anyone is doing a group buy , or see if paying in Euros is cheaper.


Do we do group buys on here, haven't seen it mentioned (although I probably haven't looked in the right place...).
Do we do group buys on here, haven't seen it mentioned (although I probably haven't looked in the right place...).

Yes, group buys do occur, but there doesn't seem to be anything official or forum sponsored.
If you can find another nine people who want to buy one at a discounted price, then it's up to you to do the purchase and sort out the money.
The group buy I was in went like this. IIRC. details may be sketchy.

OP contacted BBS and asked them about a group buy, the deal was that 10 names had to provided of known users on LZ, once it is kicked off, no NEW users on LZ can join into it.

Then the OP sets up a post, once ten users have applied or more , a code was given by BBS.

The Users then went onto BBS website and purchased their own nanocom for whatever vehicle. The discount code was applied BUT you would not receive it until all 10 users had "purchased" their kit. Once all 10 had purchased then the kits were sent.

So the OP was NOT responsible for organising money , delivery etc and being liable.

I received it after 3 days .

I will look for the post and put a link here may make more sense.

Ordered the Nanocom today, £346 delivered to the UK. They want an extra 3% if paying by Paypal or Credit Card, so chose to do a bank transfer as there wasn't any additional surcharge.
Just remember that it stores all the faults until somebody clears them ! First time I looked at mine I got a real shock but most of them were historical. So clear them all, take it for a drive and then check again. Saves you fixing a problem that doesn't exist !
Mine saved me a massive headache recently. I often run mine in a sat nav holder to keep my eyes on the live data.

Electrics had started to play up a little bit, plugged nano in, and looked at voltage reading, 11.54V. Not good. This was on a Sunday evening.

Anyway long story cut short. Got the Alternator out Sunday evening around 10pm, into my local alternator refurb place. 4hrs & £85 later the alternator was back with me and in the car a few hours later.
Just remember that it stores all the faults until somebody clears them ! First time I looked at mine I got a real shock but most of them were historical. So clear them all, take it for a drive and then check again. Saves you fixing a problem that doesn't exist !
Well, the unit has arrived, it's been unlocked, and connected to the Disco and it shows no faults at all :eek: I'm almost disappointed :confused:
Not yet, but they are all things I'll get done this weekend. I need to digest some of the manuals from the Nanocom website first so I've got a vague idea of what the unit is capable of, and more importantly, what all the numbers mean
Does anyone know of some documentation showing the ideal values for the parameters that the Nanocom can examine? I'm sure I've asked about this in another thread but I can't find it now.
Afternoon All

I'm almost in a position to buy a Nanocom for my TD5, but before I go ahead, I wanted to make sure that all I needed was the item NCOM02 on the Nanocom website @ £313.11 inc VAT. Are there any other cables, codes that I really need?

I am also looking to purchase one, looking on their website today’s price is £390 17/04/2018
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Ordered the Nanocom today, £346 delivered to the UK. They want an extra 3% if paying by Paypal or Credit Card, so chose to do a bank transfer as there wasn't any additional surcharge.

Just some info please, paying with PayPal you are covered should there be any issues.
Paying by bank transfer you have no cover at all, is that correct ?

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