I hope all are feeling well very soon. Don’t take chances, if things get difficult, seek help immediately.
Its not a car parts washer.

whatever. Without salt it brings up aluminium bits lovely!

I have wondered about plumbing a dishwasher up to a big barrel of paraffin, then disabling the heater in the dishwasher and using it as a parts washer..... probably explode so I haven’t tried
It’s Been a few days since last post and. I hope things are picking up for both of you, if not and breathing still difficult call 999 ambulance
The below exercises are supposed to help

The most serious cases of COVID-19 involve lung infections where the virus can cause acute respiratory distress syndrome, which can be potentially fatal as it closes off air sacs and causes inflammation of the lungs, making breathing difficult.

Although most COVID-19 cases resolve with mild to moderate symptoms, it is important to keep the lungs healthy during this time. For many patients, deep breathing exercises can be helpful.

The Today show recently featured a British doctor who demonstrated deep breathing. Here’s how it works:

  • Take a slow, deep breath in.
  • Hold it for five seconds, then slowly exhale.
  • Repeat five times, ending the fifth repetition with a cough to expel any mucous.
If you are ill, you can do this exercise every couple of hours.

Patients who have had surgery in the past are probably familiar with this exercise. Oftentimes, the exercise is done with a spirometer and patients breathe in through a tube and move a piston up the device to measure their breaths.

Taking in a slow, deep breath and then coughing helps open the lower part of the lungs, where infection can set in, and dislodge any mucous that may have collected there.

In more serious COVID-19 cases, physicians also position patients in the hospital on their stomachs (called prone positioning). Lying on your back can put pressure on some sections of the lung, but proning opens the lungs, helping oxygen flow.
I'm much better now, thanks all.
I did test positive , the wife is recovering quicker than me thank God.
It's weird how different people have different symptoms, the worse for me was regular sharp pains in my right side and in my left gonad and pelvic area, like a hot knife stabbing me. Only lasted a few seconds a time but twice a minute all day, felt really hot but temperature reader said I was ok , 36/37 degrees, sats 92% which is ok according to my daughter.
Sleeping loads at the time, looking at a screen makes me sleepy now.
I'm off for a bit.
I'm much better now, thanks all.
I did test positive , the wife is recovering quicker than me thank God.
It's weird how different people have different symptoms, the worse for me was regular sharp pains in my right side and in my left gonad and pelvic area, like a hot knife stabbing me. Only lasted a few seconds a time but twice a minute all day, felt really hot but temperature reader said I was ok , 36/37 degrees, sats 92% which is ok according to my daughter.
Sleeping loads at the time, looking at a screen makes me sleepy now.
I'm off for a bit.
Good to hear you are feeling 'slightly' better!!
I'm much better now, thanks all.
I did test positive , the wife is recovering quicker than me thank God.
It's weird how different people have different symptoms, the worse for me was regular sharp pains in my right side and in my left gonad and pelvic area, like a hot knife stabbing me. Only lasted a few seconds a time but twice a minute all day, felt really hot but temperature reader said I was ok , 36/37 degrees, sats 92% which is ok according to my daughter.
Sleeping loads at the time, looking at a screen makes me sleepy now.
I'm off for a bit.
Happy to hear you are both getting better.!
I'm much better now, thanks all.
I did test positive , the wife is recovering quicker than me thank God.
It's weird how different people have different symptoms, the worse for me was regular sharp pains in my right side and in my left gonad and pelvic area, like a hot knife stabbing me. Only lasted a few seconds a time but twice a minute all day, felt really hot but temperature reader said I was ok , 36/37 degrees, sats 92% which is ok according to my daughter.
Sleeping loads at the time, looking at a screen makes me sleepy now.
I'm off for a bit.

Glad to hear things are going in the right direction.
I might be disappearing again.:(
Feeling quite ill, chest tight and the shooting pains are coming back.
Struggling to stay awake.
Wife is fine though:).
Just woke up after a 4 HR kip on the sofa.
How do I get it sorted? Taking fluids and paracetamol, what else can I do?
Hoping for her fast recovery. She'll get better soon I assure you. Take over the house for now while she is recovering.