Keep her hydrated, have a low threshold for going to a+e and calling an ambulance if she doesn’t rally round.
Most people I see at work have been at home a week or so unwell before finally coming in.
Hope she gets well soon

@Flossie , sorry to hear this news. As @flat says, do not hesitate to dive into A&E/call an ambulance if Mrs Flossie doesn't rally round. I wish you all well and quick recovery.
I hope she recovers quickly and you all fair well. Me and the wife had it over Christmas, it's not nice. Drink loads of water and stock up on paracetamol. The virus seems to move around the body looking for a good place to replicate, apart from the headaches we had pains in kidneys, joints, spine and stomache, the paracetamol helps.

Hello all, I'm his son and he's asked me to update you all.
Mum is still ill but eating better and not sleeping so much.
Dad, we think, now has it.
Sleeping alot, sore chest and painful breathing but only deep breathes hurt him. Joints ache too.
He feels too weak to drive and I can't drive yet. Grandad has offered to pick him up after I've fiquired out how to book the test .
Hello all, I'm his son and he's asked me to update you all.
Mum is still ill but eating better and not sleeping so much.
Dad, we think, now has it.
Sleeping alot, sore chest and painful breathing but only deep breathes hurt him. Joints ache too.
He feels too weak to drive and I can't drive yet. Grandad has offered to pick him up after I've fiquired out how to book the test .
Thanks for the update, all the best to everyone concerned. :)
Hello all, I'm his son and he's asked me to update you all.
Mum is still ill but eating better and not sleeping so much.
Dad, we think, now has it.
Sleeping alot, sore chest and painful breathing but only deep breathes hurt him. Joints ache too.
He feels too weak to drive and I can't drive yet. Grandad has offered to pick him up after I've fiquired out how to book the test .

Hi mate, if you need anything post on here. We are a supportive bunch. Have a low threshold for contacting professional medical advice if you're concerned. That would be 111, your GP or A&E.
Hello all, I'm his son and he's asked me to update you all.
Mum is still ill but eating better and not sleeping so much.
Dad, we think, now has it.
Sleeping alot, sore chest and painful breathing but only deep breathes hurt him. Joints ache too.
He feels too weak to drive and I can't drive yet. Grandad has offered to pick him up after I've fiquired out how to book the test .
Really sorry to hear of your situation but glad to hear of an improvement, best wishes to all of you and particularly send best wishes for a speedy recovery to mum & dad.
I think breathing is the issue, I recently had cov19 and like a tit was using some chemical and thought it was depeleted so without thinking took a sniff of the container, holy shti it literlaly took all the air form my lungs and down on my knees I went, took quite some time to get back to normal even though I have been back at work for two weeks now, and only yesterday walked into garage slight bleachy smell and again air from my lungs, not as bad as last time but took a few minutes beofre I was normal again, turns out wife had celaned the sink what with I was afraid to ask!
Anyway enough rambling my point is keep an eye on both of their breathing.
Also bare in mind you to could be next.
I think breathing is the issue, I recently had cov19 and like a tit was using some chemical and thought it was depeleted so without thinking took a sniff of the container, holy shti it literlaly took all the air form my lungs and down on my knees I went, took quite some time to get back to normal even though I have been back at work for two weeks now, and only yesterday walked into garage slight bleachy smell and again air from my lungs, not as bad as last time but took a few minutes beofre I was normal again, turns out wife had celaned the sink what with I was afraid to ask!
Anyway enough rambling my point is keep an eye on both of their breathing.
Also bare in mind you to could be next.
It's odd, when I had it I lost the sense of taste and smell except vinegar, a bit of vinegar on my chips made me gasp for breath and my eyes started streaming.

Hello all, I'm his son and he's asked me to update you all.
Mum is still ill but eating better and not sleeping so much.
Dad, we think, now has it.
Sleeping alot, sore chest and painful breathing but only deep breathes hurt him. Joints ache too.
He feels too weak to drive and I can't drive yet. Grandad has offered to pick him up after I've fiquired out how to book the test .

Wishing you all all the best

Re booking a test you Google it and use the .gov website.
The form is simple enough to fill out.

Look after our Flossie
Hello all, I'm his son and he's asked me to update you all.
Mum is still ill but eating better and not sleeping so much.
Dad, we think, now has it.
Sleeping alot, sore chest and painful breathing but only deep breathes hurt him. Joints ache too.
He feels too weak to drive and I can't drive yet. Grandad has offered to pick him up after I've fiquired out how to book the test .

sorry to hear this, it is possible to get tests posted to your house if people aren’t well enough to drive to a test station.

get well flossie and family!!!
I’d at least call 111 if you haven’t already, speed is of the essence. And possibly getting your grandad to drive them isn’t a great idea as it will expose him to it too. Hope they both have a swift recovery and you aren’t affected yourself.
Sorry to hear of this. Try to keep them eating and drinking, as said above.

Best to keep away from the washing machine. Its not a car parts washer.