yes its good,not sure if gonna have an r34 lik ei said or get a sierra cosworth again,had one when i was 18.but keep it as a show car/investment
cossies are getting rare now.Jap has gotta be better for mods, parts and performance gains etc?
Yeah my mates got a sierra cossie. nice car quick as fuk!! Just throws it into the corners! HAve you seen the new skylines?? theres a few round my way they look fit!!
the new gtr ya mean?Me boss was toying with getting one, went for a m5 instead cos its more practical than his carrea 4:rolleyes:
sort of bloke he is, right flash harry.Had a brand new Golf gti for works stuff till i convinced him to get a van.Not great for carrying tools gti's!
yeh a mat eof mines just had his last weekend he owns a company called custom chrome,they have been trading for over 30 yrs they made the original cherry bomb exhaust.
i love the sierra cossies,like was saying i had a 1987 build number 114 rs 500 cosworth for my 18th birthday off my dad, i was like a dog with 2 dicks for weeks.
thats why id like another,i keep on pestering my mate at our local ford garage as he as one in the garage on show but he wont sell to me

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