
Hey .

Just want to find out what can be foulty when starting from cold and lots of blue smoke coming out from exhaust, some time its cut`s off and after its eaven harder to start the engine, keep turning the key and give a lots of acceleration will start it up.:confused:

Any advice will really help.

Thanks Greg
would hazard a guess that one of the injectors is failing and leaking back. carry out a leak off test and that should reveal which one.

good luck
Now when you said blue smoke you meant to say white smoke didn't you? I'd say its sounds like the preheat isn't working. Check the glow plugs are getting power an all plugs are healthy first. If this isn't the problem then as OP says, it could be the spray pattern off the injectors or low fuel pressure.

What the mileage of your car?
Now when you said blue smoke you meant to say white smoke didn't you? I'd say its sounds like the preheat isn't working. Check the glow plugs are getting power an all plugs are healthy first. If this isn't the problem then as OP says, it could be the spray pattern off the injectors or low fuel pressure.

What the mileage of your car?

just chnged the plugs and one of them didnt work.
milage is 102.000 now its better to start but for first 5 min engine feel really shaking after it warm up its ok :confused:

so should ill try now to use injector cleaner maby?
always been wary of the whole injector cleaner thing (eg redex). However, I've had a bit of a misfire on my td4 at just over 2000 revs/min, which happens to be motorway cruising speed so it was a bit annoying.

One of the users of this forum quotes millers power sport 4, so I tried it, and it has cured the misfire (or seems to have so far).

Might be worth a try, it was about £12 for a 500ml bottle, which should treat 10 tank fulls.

good luck
just chnged the plugs and one of them didnt work.
milage is 102.000 now its better to start but for first 5 min engine feel really shaking after it warm up its ok :confused:

so should ill try now to use injector cleaner maby?
Good work there Greg. Seems a spot of injector cleaner has got to be worth a try.
Hi Greg2222 :welcome:
Glad you are getting some results.
Re. diesel additives (Millers Power Sport 4) - I am a sceptic on all these claims for improved this and that - BUT after reading the debates on here I got some and tried it.
Ours is an '06 TD4 so is a fairly young lump but it did seem to smooth out the engines power band and I have yet to find out if it makes the injectors last longer. They're OK to date (over a year now) - not missed a beat.
Gets a treatment with every tank full now as we 'think' it goes better with it.
MPG has got slightly better - may be or maybe not due to Millers?
If it only delays the inevitable expense of injector problems then it will certainly cost in by miles - time will tell.
That's how I see it as a sceptic user?
right the plugs R done and one tank of injector cleaner is done:rolleyes:

But still when cold start its really shaking till warm up? :confused::confused::confused:

all injectors or one off?

if any idea where i can get them from and how much?
I'd say give it a good hoofing down the Motorway to clear the crud out.

If that don't work then Optimus Prime's leak off test, or at least a compression test to make sure yer pots are in balance.

If you've got a leakage on one pot when the lump is cold then no amount of new injectors are gonna make it run better. Would suggest its the piston rings wearing if the balance is way out.

Assume you've done the obvious, like a new air filter for starters. Oil level okay and changes regular, with the filter. Fuel filter okay?

Just a few thoughts.
I'm with Opti, I think it's well worth doing a leak off test. Millers is great stuff but you have to use it at double the stated dose at every fill up & it'll improve economy & performance. Sadly it won't repair faulty injectors though. Check ebay for prices, then buy from a reputable injector specialist who won't rip you off.

Good luck.
Right the car is stiss crap when starting done all things and the score is after inspection that at the moment need 3 injectors :(
Any idea guys where i can get them for good price?

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