
After the suspension compressor and valve block knackered I have started my fix that has cost nothing as it's just a run around car I'm not to bothered I have used new car tyer valves free from a well know tyer fitter and some airline hose that will be connected to each bag I have fitted the n/s/r one already and I'm impressed it's stayed up all I do to pump up is my electric car pump will do the other three tomorrow
After the suspension compressor and valve block knackered I have started my fix that has cost nothing as it's just a run around car I'm not to bothered I have used new car tyer valves free from a well know tyer fitter and some airline hose that will be connected to each bag I have fitted the n/s/r one already and I'm impressed it's stayed up all I do to pump up is my electric car pump will do the other three tomorrow


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Now that you have or will have all air bags connected to one point and bypassed all the RR system, why not just go for a cheap aftermarket system.
Looks like original will never be used again.
4 buttons on the dash for each airbag.
I think your system is still better than springs, at the very least it is still on air.
Yes it is, I was trying to be a bit more diplomatic, but what the hell. Fix the fecker properly.

Bout give the feller a chance

Looks like he spent ages on getting the holes positioned on the plate and it looks like Galv plate, most would of hacked some chequer plate from the door bottoms and used that.
Bout give the feller a chance

Looks like he spent ages on getting the holes positioned on the plate and it looks like Galv plate, most would of hacked some chequer plate from the door bottoms and used that.
Ha ha, but his time would have been better spent fixing the system properly IMO.;):) Thinking about it, he should have dash mounted the valves so he could have lowered the suspension when doing over 50 mph, bit like the system is designed to do.:rolleyes:
I'm puzzled as to how you would know that all the air bags have same amount of air in them. Reckon it could be a bugger to get level
I'm puzzled as to how you would know that all the air bags have same amount of air in them. Reckon it could be a bugger to get level

It's worse than that. The ECU does actually adjust the suspension by tiny amounts ALL the time. I had some traces in some of my old posts. The valves really are a get-me-home scenario. Like that skinny spare wheel some cars have.
So what are you saying? That having the air suspension unadjustable could make it unstable over 50 mph as it won't be able to adjust to motorway setting. Well I never, I wonder why R/R had that feature on the suspension? Wake up and smell the coffee, it's not just a bodge, it's a dangerous bodge IMO.
So what are you saying? That having the air suspension unadjustable could make it unstable over 50 mph as it won't be able to adjust to motorway setting. Well I never, I wonder why R/R had that feature on the suspension? Wake up and smell the coffee, it's not just a bodge, it's a dangerous bodge IMO.

Are you allowed to stop on the hard shoulder and get out your little compressor and tape measure these days? :D:D
I had the same issue in that I struggled to find the leaks. I re-ringed the block and did the air comp but never got them fitted. in the end it was simply cheaper to put it on springs as the bags leaked too. I used manual valves in the mean time though to prop it up.
@gazdon - I still have the old valve block and pump that I re-conned myself. They may be perfectly useable (I sold the car long ago) as I've not tried them out since I did it, then again they might not work. If you can arrange to get them from me, I'm happy to send them to you to see if they fix your issues. If they work great - bung me a few quid or a part I need, if they don't then chuck them and don't worry about it. give me a PM to arrange if you like.
I had the same issue in that I struggled to find the leaks. I re-ringed the block and did the air comp but never got them fitted. in the end it was simply cheaper to put it on springs as the bags leaked too. I used manual valves in the mean time though to prop it up.
@gazdon - I still have the old valve block and pump that I re-conned myself. They may be perfectly useable (I sold the car long ago) as I've not tried them out since I did it, then again they might not work. If you can arrange to get them from me, I'm happy to send them to you to see if they fix your issues. If they work great - bung me a few quid or a part I need, if they don't then chuck them and don't worry about it. give me a PM to arrange if you like.

So you re-conned the compressor re-conned the valve block then spent more money on a coil conversion than it costs for four new air springs. Did you spend your honeymoon stood up in a canoe?:confused::confused:
So you re-conned the compressor re-conned the valve block then spent more money on a coil conversion than it costs for four new air springs. Did you spend your honeymoon stood up in a canoe?:confused::confused:

Ha No! Just got fed up chasing problems, I suspect the air tank was also on its way out. When the EAS works its fantastic, but just got to the end of my tether with it. plus the springs helped take some punishment off-roading which is why I decided to change. Had the truck been worth more and in better general mechanical condition I might of tried fixing it, plus I didn't do that many motorway miles so handling wasn't really a criteria. - As I remember though the coil conversion wasn't that expensive (Think it was a brit part lift kit) and about the same as the four air springs - this was about 4 years ago mind.
anyways they're just sitting in the shed now.

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