
New Member
Hi , after many weeks of heartache, sadness, frustration and anger I have taken the step that I thought I could never take. I got another Landy !!!!!!
My stolen Landrover was and still is the most precious car in the whole world - BUT- I started to realise that however hard I tried I couldn't do any more to get her back now.
I wanted that 14 year old girl with her leaks and lack of technology but to buy something the same was foolish, it wouldnt have been "my Landy " My beloved Landy was irreplaceable. One that looked like her was not the solution.
I thought with maybe with 15 years left at work I should move on and get something else for those years. Much searching and soul searching finally made me buy my latest Landy. It's 2 years old its got "carpets" (but not air con) it has windows in the back and electric windows, its really smart - trouble is its not "my Landy" BUT it has lifted my spirit enough so that I can move on.
At the moment I am thinking I have to avoid every puddle I see on the way to work - me and my girl loved to go through floods and mud !
Forgive me guys (and Girls) I needed "different" to help me get though the loss of my "girl"
I dont know if this feels right at the moment but at least I am trying to move on.
I really HATE the guy who took my Landy and if the police don't charge him I am seriously thinking that I will try to take out a private prosecution so that he doesn't get away with it without a fight.
I will let you know if I get any positive results from the CPS regarding my Landy.
sorry 2 hear that if it would help i will still go beat the crapp outa him or scare him with the sound of all his windows breaking in the middle of the night
sorry 2 hear that if it would help i will still go beat the crapp outa him or scare him with the sound of all his windows breaking in the middle of the night
I do have some "dark thoughts" just in case the CPS do let him off.
Freelander 2?
Freelander? I dont think so, I leave driving the Freelander to my wife.
I got a much newer Defender - Carpets, light up dashboard and windows in the back !
A totally different driving experience (not sure if its me yet though):)
prehaps the best way to vent your spleen will be to sleep sound in the fact that one day no doubt happines will be a theif wedged in someones bullbars.......

He has made his bed so his return will come one day and the landy gods will strike thee without fear and reign its oily sump on yee...
Freelander? I dont think so, I leave driving the Freelander to my wife.
I got a much newer Defender - Carpets, light up dashboard and windows in the back !
A totally different driving experience (not sure if its me yet though):)
Oh and I forgot to say I have plenty of security both at home and out on the road, Just for good measure I have a cheeky little Iron bar behind the drivers seat too.
It's better to carry a big spanner than an iron bar. That way it can't be construed as an offensive weapon if you get pulled over.
Sorry for suggesting that you got a freelander dude, nice one on the defender though. Hope the bastard that stole your previous one gets whats coming though, doesn't seem right that he's got away with all of this!
Sorry for suggesting that you got a freelander dude, nice one on the defender though. Hope the bastard that stole your previous one gets whats coming though, doesn't seem right that he's got away with all of this!
The CPS have the case and its up to them if they charge him. dont know if you were one of the guys who asked me for PM with more detail about the theft a few weeks ago ? it makes sickening reading really the evidence is there for anyone to check for themselves. Everyone says the guy is 100% guilty. could take months to see what the CPS decide.
no i didn't pm you for details, but a few days ago I read through the entire thread and it sounds awful!! My Dad once had a bad incident years ago, had a really nice trooper (don't flame me) and a business colleague invited him to a meeting and was acting really sketchy and when my dad went back to the car park where this guy had advised him to park, the trooper had been driven through a low wall (or they'd knocked it down) and half inched. Obviously not as cool as a defender but he was so gutted.
The CPS have the case and its up to them if they charge him. dont know if you were one of the guys who asked me for PM with more detail about the theft a few weeks ago ? it makes sickening reading really the evidence is there for anyone to check for themselves. Everyone says the guy is 100% guilty. could take months to see what the CPS decide.

I would'nt rely on the law to dish out a proper punishment. A guy I know woke up in the early hours and saw 3 blokes on his garden so he let his very big dog out to scare em off, then finds his fender had been moved from were it was parked and the ignition lights on, the only reason they hadn't taken it was they could'nt open his electric gates but while trying caused hundreds of pounds worth of damage. The coppers caught one of the bastids in the next doors garden, so it went to court and the little scrote's excuse was he and his two mates had bought an old 90 and had run out of money to buy new parts, so they went out intentionally to steal someone else's. The thieving c##t recieved a 6 months suspended sentence
I keep my 2" thick steering wheel lock on the pasenger seat, just in case landy robber trys to hyjack me! I would take great pleasure in trying to lock it around his face!
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I keep my 2" thick steering wheel lock on the pasenger seat, just in case landy robber trys to hyjack me! I would take great pleasure in trying to lock it around his face!
i keep a hatchet in my cab,rite at the side of me.and i never go anywhere without a knife,cos ya never know wen yul need it!

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